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Instance bayes2_50

Formats ams gms lp mod nl osil pip py
Primal Bounds (infeas ≤ 1e-08)
62.41224048 p1 ( gdx sol )
(infeas: 8e-14)
18.41385559 p2 ( gdx sol )
(infeas: 6e-10)
0.52020774 p3 ( gdx sol )
(infeas: 1e-13)
Other points (infeas > 1e-08)  
Dual Bounds
0.52020774 (ANTIGONE)
0.52020774 (BARON)
0.00000000 (COUENNE)
0.52020773 (GUROBI)
0.00000000 (LINDO)
0.52020756 (SCIP)
0.00000000 (SHOT)
References Greenberg, Betsy, Lasdon, L S, and Plummer, John, Using Global Optimization to Estimate Population Class Sizes, Journal of Global Optimization, 36:3, 2006, 319-338.
Source Leon Lasdon
Added to library 31 Jul 2001
Problem type QCP
#Variables 86
#Binary Variables 0
#Integer Variables 0
#Nonlinear Variables 65
#Nonlinear Binary Variables 0
#Nonlinear Integer Variables 0
Objective Sense min
Objective type linear
Objective curvature linear
#Nonzeros in Objective 20
#Nonlinear Nonzeros in Objective 0
#Constraints 77
#Linear Constraints 22
#Quadratic Constraints 55
#Polynomial Constraints 0
#Signomial Constraints 0
#General Nonlinear Constraints 0
Operands in Gen. Nonlin. Functions  
Constraints curvature indefinite
#Nonzeros in Jacobian 601
#Nonlinear Nonzeros in Jacobian 440
#Nonzeros in (Upper-Left) Hessian of Lagrangian 770
#Nonzeros in Diagonal of Hessian of Lagrangian 0
#Blocks in Hessian of Lagrangian 1
Minimal blocksize in Hessian of Lagrangian 65
Maximal blocksize in Hessian of Lagrangian 65
Average blocksize in Hessian of Lagrangian 65.0
#Semicontinuities 0
#Nonlinear Semicontinuities 0
#SOS type 1 0
#SOS type 2 0
Minimal coefficient 9.7217e-04
Maximal coefficient 5.1300e+02
Infeasibility of initial point 9945
Sparsity Jacobian Sparsity of Objective Gradient and Jacobian
Sparsity Hessian of Lagrangian Sparsity of Hessian of Lagrangian

*  Equation counts
*      Total        E        G        L        N        X        C        B
*         78       68       10        0        0        0        0        0
*  Variable counts
*                   x        b        i      s1s      s2s       sc       si
*      Total     cont   binary  integer     sos1     sos2    scont     sint
*         87       87        0        0        0        0        0        0
*  FX      0
*  Nonzero counts
*      Total    const       NL      DLL
*        622      182      440        0
*  Solve m using NLP minimizing objvar;

Variables  x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9,x10,x11,x12,x13,x14,x15,x16,x17,x18,x19

Positive Variables  x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9,x10,x11,x12,x13,x14,x15,x16,x17

Equations  e1,e2,e3,e4,e5,e6,e7,e8,e9,e10,e11,e12,e13,e14,e15,e16,e17,e18,e19

e1.. 0.5*x2 - x12*(0.5*x2 + 0.5000500050005*x3 + 0.375037503750375*x4 + 
     0.249999992497001*x5 + 0.156218732806561*x6 + 0.0937031062453125*x7 + 
     0.0546382681253312*x8 + 0.0312062456311301*x9 + 0.017542972627178*x10 + 
     0.00973926749128362*x11) =E= 0;

e2.. 0.5000500050005*x3 - x13*(0.5*x2 + 0.5000500050005*x3 + 0.375037503750375*
     x4 + 0.249999992497001*x5 + 0.156218732806561*x6 + 0.0937031062453125*x7
      + 0.0546382681253312*x8 + 0.0312062456311301*x9 + 0.017542972627178*x10
      + 0.00973926749128362*x11) =E= 0;

e3.. 0.24997499749975*x3 - x14*(0.24997499749975*x3 + 0.375037503750375*x4 + 
     0.375075018755251*x5 + 0.312562515629377*x6 + 0.234398432806401*x7 + 
     0.164046067482601*x8 + 0.109331212792365*x9 + 0.0702562148313726*x10 + 
     0.0438881594251137*x11) =E= 0;

e4.. 0.375037503750375*x4 - x15*(0.5*x2 + 0.5000500050005*x3 + 
     0.375037503750375*x4 + 0.249999992497001*x5 + 0.156218732806561*x6 + 
     0.0937031062453125*x7 + 0.0546382681253312*x8 + 0.0312062456311301*x9 + 
     0.017542972627178*x10 + 0.00973926749128362*x11) =E= 0;

e5.. 0.375037503750375*x4 - x16*(0.24997499749975*x3 + 0.375037503750375*x4 + 
     0.375075018755251*x5 + 0.312562515629377*x6 + 0.234398432806401*x7 + 
     0.164046067482601*x8 + 0.109331212792365*x9 + 0.0702562148313726*x10 + 
     0.0438881594251137*x11) =E= 0;

e6.. 0.124962496249625*x4 - x17*(0.124962496249625*x4 + 0.249999992497001*x5 + 
     0.312562515629377*x6 + 0.312593787516885*x7 + 0.273519564077274*x8 + 
     0.218793754368866*x9 + 0.164062470437224*x10 + 0.117152290970943*x11)
      =E= 0;

e7.. 0.249999992497001*x5 - x18*(0.5*x2 + 0.5000500050005*x3 + 
     0.375037503750375*x4 + 0.249999992497001*x5 + 0.156218732806561*x6 + 
     0.0937031062453125*x7 + 0.0546382681253312*x8 + 0.0312062456311301*x9 + 
     0.017542972627178*x10 + 0.00973926749128362*x11) =E= 0;

e8.. 0.375075018755251*x5 - x19*(0.24997499749975*x3 + 0.375037503750375*x4 + 
     0.375075018755251*x5 + 0.312562515629377*x6 + 0.234398432806401*x7 + 
     0.164046067482601*x8 + 0.109331212792365*x9 + 0.0702562148313726*x10 + 
     0.0438881594251137*x11) =E= 0;

e9.. 0.249999992497001*x5 - x20*(0.124962496249625*x4 + 0.249999992497001*x5 + 
     0.312562515629377*x6 + 0.312593787516885*x7 + 0.273519564077274*x8 + 
     0.218793754368866*x9 + 0.164062470437224*x10 + 0.117152290970943*x11)
      =E= 0;

e10.. 0.0624624981253751*x5 - x21*(0.0624624981253751*x5 + 0.156218732806561*x6
       + 0.234398432806401*x7 + 0.273519564077274*x8 + 0.273546935193458*x9 + 
      0.246192241674115*x10 + 0.205139666893903*x11) =E= 0;

e11.. 0.156218732806561*x6 - x22*(0.5*x2 + 0.5000500050005*x3 + 
      0.375037503750375*x4 + 0.249999992497001*x5 + 0.156218732806561*x6 + 
      0.0937031062453125*x7 + 0.0546382681253312*x8 + 0.0312062456311301*x9 + 
      0.017542972627178*x10 + 0.00973926749128362*x11) =E= 0;

e12.. 0.312562515629377*x6 - x23*(0.24997499749975*x3 + 0.375037503750375*x4 + 
      0.375075018755251*x5 + 0.312562515629377*x6 + 0.234398432806401*x7 + 
      0.164046067482601*x8 + 0.109331212792365*x9 + 0.0702562148313726*x10 + 
      0.0438881594251137*x11) =E= 0;

e13.. 0.312562515629377*x6 - x24*(0.124962496249625*x4 + 0.249999992497001*x5
       + 0.312562515629377*x6 + 0.312593787516885*x7 + 0.273519564077274*x8 + 
      0.218793754368866*x9 + 0.164062470437224*x10 + 0.117152290970943*x11)
       =E= 0;

e14.. 0.156218732806561*x6 - x25*(0.0624624981253751*x5 + 0.156218732806561*x6
       + 0.234398432806401*x7 + 0.273519564077274*x8 + 0.273546935193458*x9 + 
      0.246192241674115*x10 + 0.205139666893903*x11) =E= 0;

e15.. 0.0312187515640633*x6 - x26*(0.0312187515640633*x6 + 0.0937031062453125*
      x7 + 0.164046067482601*x8 + 0.218793754368866*x9 + 0.246192241674115*x10
       + 0.246216883075546*x11) =E= 0;

e16.. 0.0937031062453125*x7 - x27*(0.5*x2 + 0.5000500050005*x3 + 
      0.375037503750375*x4 + 0.249999992497001*x5 + 0.156218732806561*x6 + 
      0.0937031062453125*x7 + 0.0546382681253312*x8 + 0.0312062456311301*x9 + 
      0.017542972627178*x10 + 0.00973926749128362*x11) =E= 0;

e17.. 0.234398432806401*x7 - x28*(0.24997499749975*x3 + 0.375037503750375*x4 + 
      0.375075018755251*x5 + 0.312562515629377*x6 + 0.234398432806401*x7 + 
      0.164046067482601*x8 + 0.109331212792365*x9 + 0.0702562148313726*x10 + 
      0.0438881594251137*x11) =E= 0;

e18.. 0.312593787516885*x7 - x29*(0.124962496249625*x4 + 0.249999992497001*x5
       + 0.312562515629377*x6 + 0.312593787516885*x7 + 0.273519564077274*x8 + 
      0.218793754368866*x9 + 0.164062470437224*x10 + 0.117152290970943*x11)
       =E= 0;

e19.. 0.234398432806401*x7 - x30*(0.0624624981253751*x5 + 0.156218732806561*x6
       + 0.234398432806401*x7 + 0.273519564077274*x8 + 0.273546935193458*x9 + 
      0.246192241674115*x10 + 0.205139666893903*x11) =E= 0;

e20.. 0.0937031062453125*x7 - x31*(0.0312187515640633*x6 + 0.0937031062453125*
      x7 + 0.164046067482601*x8 + 0.218793754368866*x9 + 0.246192241674115*x10
       + 0.246216883075546*x11) =E= 0;

e21.. 0.0156015671898445*x7 - x32*(0.0156015671898445*x7 + 0.0546382681253312*
      x8 + 0.109331212792365*x9 + 0.164062470437224*x10 + 0.205139666893903*x11
      ) =E= 0;

e22.. 0.0546382681253312*x8 - x33*(0.5*x2 + 0.5000500050005*x3 + 
      0.375037503750375*x4 + 0.249999992497001*x5 + 0.156218732806561*x6 + 
      0.0937031062453125*x7 + 0.0546382681253312*x8 + 0.0312062456311301*x9 + 
      0.017542972627178*x10 + 0.00973926749128362*x11) =E= 0;

e23.. 0.164046067482601*x8 - x34*(0.24997499749975*x3 + 0.375037503750375*x4 + 
      0.375075018755251*x5 + 0.312562515629377*x6 + 0.234398432806401*x7 + 
      0.164046067482601*x8 + 0.109331212792365*x9 + 0.0702562148313726*x10 + 
      0.0438881594251137*x11) =E= 0;

e24.. 0.273519564077274*x8 - x35*(0.124962496249625*x4 + 0.249999992497001*x5
       + 0.312562515629377*x6 + 0.312593787516885*x7 + 0.273519564077274*x8 + 
      0.218793754368866*x9 + 0.164062470437224*x10 + 0.117152290970943*x11)
       =E= 0;

e25.. 0.273519564077274*x8 - x36*(0.0624624981253751*x5 + 0.156218732806561*x6
       + 0.234398432806401*x7 + 0.273519564077274*x8 + 0.273546935193458*x9 + 
      0.246192241674115*x10 + 0.205139666893903*x11) =E= 0;

e26.. 0.164046067482601*x8 - x37*(0.0312187515640633*x6 + 0.0937031062453125*x7
       + 0.164046067482601*x8 + 0.218793754368866*x9 + 0.246192241674115*x10 + 
      0.246216883075546*x11) =E= 0;

e27.. 0.0546382681253312*x8 - x38*(0.0156015671898445*x7 + 0.0546382681253312*
      x8 + 0.109331212792365*x9 + 0.164062470437224*x10 + 0.205139666893903*x11
      ) =E= 0;

e28.. 0.00779610031479713*x8 - x39*(0.00779610031479713*x8 + 0.0312062456311301
      *x9 + 0.0702562148313726*x10 + 0.117152290970943*x11) =E= 0;

e29.. 0.0312062456311301*x9 - x40*(0.5*x2 + 0.5000500050005*x3 + 
      0.375037503750375*x4 + 0.249999992497001*x5 + 0.156218732806561*x6 + 
      0.0937031062453125*x7 + 0.0546382681253312*x8 + 0.0312062456311301*x9 + 
      0.017542972627178*x10 + 0.00973926749128362*x11) =E= 0;

e30.. 0.109331212792365*x9 - x41*(0.24997499749975*x3 + 0.375037503750375*x4 + 
      0.375075018755251*x5 + 0.312562515629377*x6 + 0.234398432806401*x7 + 
      0.164046067482601*x8 + 0.109331212792365*x9 + 0.0702562148313726*x10 + 
      0.0438881594251137*x11) =E= 0;

e31.. 0.218793754368866*x9 - x42*(0.124962496249625*x4 + 0.249999992497001*x5
       + 0.312562515629377*x6 + 0.312593787516885*x7 + 0.273519564077274*x8 + 
      0.218793754368866*x9 + 0.164062470437224*x10 + 0.117152290970943*x11)
       =E= 0;

e32.. 0.273546935193458*x9 - x43*(0.0624624981253751*x5 + 0.156218732806561*x6
       + 0.234398432806401*x7 + 0.273519564077274*x8 + 0.273546935193458*x9 + 
      0.246192241674115*x10 + 0.205139666893903*x11) =E= 0;

e33.. 0.218793754368866*x9 - x44*(0.0312187515640633*x6 + 0.0937031062453125*x7
       + 0.164046067482601*x8 + 0.218793754368866*x9 + 0.246192241674115*x10 + 
      0.246216883075546*x11) =E= 0;

e34.. 0.109331212792365*x9 - x45*(0.0156015671898445*x7 + 0.0546382681253312*x8
       + 0.109331212792365*x9 + 0.164062470437224*x10 + 0.205139666893903*x11)
       =E= 0;

e35.. 0.0312062456311301*x9 - x46*(0.00779610031479713*x8 + 0.0312062456311301*
      x9 + 0.0702562148313726*x10 + 0.117152290970943*x11) =E= 0;

e36.. 0.00389531961090585*x9 - x47*(0.00389531961090585*x9 + 0.017542972627178*
      x10 + 0.0438881594251137*x11) =E= 0;

e37.. 0.017542972627178*x10 - x48*(0.5*x2 + 0.5000500050005*x3 + 
      0.375037503750375*x4 + 0.249999992497001*x5 + 0.156218732806561*x6 + 
      0.0937031062453125*x7 + 0.0546382681253312*x8 + 0.0312062456311301*x9 + 
      0.017542972627178*x10 + 0.00973926749128362*x11) =E= 0;

e38.. 0.0702562148313726*x10 - x49*(0.24997499749975*x3 + 0.375037503750375*x4
       + 0.375075018755251*x5 + 0.312562515629377*x6 + 0.234398432806401*x7 + 
      0.164046067482601*x8 + 0.109331212792365*x9 + 0.0702562148313726*x10 + 
      0.0438881594251137*x11) =E= 0;

e39.. 0.164062470437224*x10 - x50*(0.124962496249625*x4 + 0.249999992497001*x5
       + 0.312562515629377*x6 + 0.312593787516885*x7 + 0.273519564077274*x8 + 
      0.218793754368866*x9 + 0.164062470437224*x10 + 0.117152290970943*x11)
       =E= 0;

e40.. 0.246192241674115*x10 - x51*(0.0624624981253751*x5 + 0.156218732806561*x6
       + 0.234398432806401*x7 + 0.273519564077274*x8 + 0.273546935193458*x9 + 
      0.246192241674115*x10 + 0.205139666893903*x11) =E= 0;

e41.. 0.246192241674115*x10 - x52*(0.0312187515640633*x6 + 0.0937031062453125*
      x7 + 0.164046067482601*x8 + 0.218793754368866*x9 + 0.246192241674115*x10
       + 0.246216883075546*x11) =E= 0;

e42.. 0.164062470437224*x10 - x53*(0.0156015671898445*x7 + 0.0546382681253312*
      x8 + 0.109331212792365*x9 + 0.164062470437224*x10 + 0.205139666893903*x11
      ) =E= 0;

e43.. 0.0702562148313726*x10 - x54*(0.00779610031479713*x8 + 0.0312062456311301
      *x9 + 0.0702562148313726*x10 + 0.117152290970943*x11) =E= 0;

e44.. 0.017542972627178*x10 - x55*(0.00389531961090585*x9 + 0.017542972627178*
      x10 + 0.0438881594251137*x11) =E= 0;

e45.. 0.00194610043010828*x10 - x56*(0.00194610043010828*x10 + 
      0.00973926749128362*x11) =E= 0;

e46.. 0.00973926749128362*x11 - x57*(0.5*x2 + 0.5000500050005*x3 + 
      0.375037503750375*x4 + 0.249999992497001*x5 + 0.156218732806561*x6 + 
      0.0937031062453125*x7 + 0.0546382681253312*x8 + 0.0312062456311301*x9 + 
      0.017542972627178*x10 + 0.00973926749128362*x11) =E= 0;

e47.. 0.0438881594251137*x11 - x58*(0.24997499749975*x3 + 0.375037503750375*x4
       + 0.375075018755251*x5 + 0.312562515629377*x6 + 0.234398432806401*x7 + 
      0.164046067482601*x8 + 0.109331212792365*x9 + 0.0702562148313726*x10 + 
      0.0438881594251137*x11) =E= 0;

e48.. 0.117152290970943*x11 - x59*(0.124962496249625*x4 + 0.249999992497001*x5
       + 0.312562515629377*x6 + 0.312593787516885*x7 + 0.273519564077274*x8 + 
      0.218793754368866*x9 + 0.164062470437224*x10 + 0.117152290970943*x11)
       =E= 0;

e49.. 0.205139666893903*x11 - x60*(0.0624624981253751*x5 + 0.156218732806561*x6
       + 0.234398432806401*x7 + 0.273519564077274*x8 + 0.273546935193458*x9 + 
      0.246192241674115*x10 + 0.205139666893903*x11) =E= 0;

e50.. 0.246216883075546*x11 - x61*(0.0312187515640633*x6 + 0.0937031062453125*
      x7 + 0.164046067482601*x8 + 0.218793754368866*x9 + 0.246192241674115*x10
       + 0.246216883075546*x11) =E= 0;

e51.. 0.205139666893903*x11 - x62*(0.0156015671898445*x7 + 0.0546382681253312*
      x8 + 0.109331212792365*x9 + 0.164062470437224*x10 + 0.205139666893903*x11
      ) =E= 0;

e52.. 0.117152290970943*x11 - x63*(0.00779610031479713*x8 + 0.0312062456311301*
      x9 + 0.0702562148313726*x10 + 0.117152290970943*x11) =E= 0;

e53.. 0.0438881594251137*x11 - x64*(0.00389531961090585*x9 + 0.017542972627178*
      x10 + 0.0438881594251137*x11) =E= 0;

e54.. 0.00973926749128362*x11 - x65*(0.00194610043010828*x10 + 
      0.00973926749128362*x11) =E= 0;

e55.. 0.000972173680979933*x11 - 0.000972173680979933*x66*x11 =E= 0;

e56..    0.5*x2 - 513*x12 - x67 + x77 =E= 0;

e57..    0.75002500250025*x3 - 513*x13 - 41*x14 - x68 + x78 =E= 0;

e58..    0.875037503750375*x4 - 513*x15 - 41*x16 - 100*x17 - x69 + x79 =E= 0;

e59..    0.937537501874625*x5 - 513*x18 - 41*x19 - 100*x20 - 182*x21 - x70
       + x80 =E= 0;

e60..    0.968781248435937*x6 - 513*x22 - 41*x23 - 100*x24 - 182*x25 - 248*x26
       - x71 + x81 =E= 0;

e61..    0.984398432810156*x7 - 513*x27 - 41*x28 - 100*x29 - 182*x30 - 248*x31
       - 167*x32 - x72 + x82 =E= 0;

e62..    0.992203899685203*x8 - 513*x33 - 41*x34 - 100*x35 - 182*x36 - 248*x37
       - 167*x38 - 89*x39 - x73 + x83 =E= 0;

e63..    0.996104680389094*x9 - 513*x40 - 41*x41 - 100*x42 - 182*x43 - 248*x44
       - 167*x45 - 89*x46 - 48*x47 - x74 + x84 =E= 0;

e64..    0.998053899569892*x10 - 513*x48 - 41*x49 - 100*x50 - 182*x51 - 248*x52
       - 167*x53 - 89*x54 - 48*x55 - 12*x56 - x75 + x85 =E= 0;

e65..    0.99902782631902*x11 - 513*x57 - 41*x58 - 100*x59 - 182*x60 - 248*x61
       - 167*x62 - 89*x63 - 48*x64 - 12*x65 - 2*x66 - x76 + x86 =E= 0;

e66..    x2 + 2*x3 + 3*x4 + 4*x5 + 5*x6 + 6*x7 + 7*x8 + 8*x9 + 9*x10 + 10*x11
       =E= 10000;

e67..    x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 + x9 + x10 + x11 =G= 513;

e68..    x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 + x9 + x10 + x11 =G= 41;

e69..    x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 + x9 + x10 + x11 =G= 100;

e70..    x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 + x9 + x10 + x11 =G= 182;

e71..    x6 + x7 + x8 + x9 + x10 + x11 =G= 248;

e72..    x7 + x8 + x9 + x10 + x11 =G= 167;

e73..    x8 + x9 + x10 + x11 =G= 89;

e74..    x9 + x10 + x11 =G= 48;

e75..    x10 + x11 =G= 12;

e76..    x11 =G= 2;

e77..  - x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 + x9 + x10 + x11 =E= 0;

e78..  - x67 - x68 - x69 - x70 - x71 - x72 - x73 - x74 - x75 - x76 - x77 - x78
       - x79 - x80 - x81 - x82 - x83 - x84 - x85 - x86 + objvar =E= 0;

* set non-default bounds
x2.up = 10000;
x3.up = 10000;
x4.up = 10000;
x5.up = 10000;
x6.up = 10000;
x7.up = 10000;
x8.up = 10000;
x9.up = 10000;
x10.up = 10000;
x11.up = 10000;
x12.up = 1;
x13.up = 1;
x14.up = 1;
x15.up = 1;
x16.up = 1;
x17.up = 1;
x18.up = 1;
x19.up = 1;
x20.up = 1;
x21.up = 1;
x22.up = 1;
x23.up = 1;
x24.up = 1;
x25.up = 1;
x26.up = 1;
x27.up = 1;
x28.up = 1;
x29.up = 1;
x30.up = 1;
x31.up = 1;
x32.up = 1;
x33.up = 1;
x34.up = 1;
x35.up = 1;
x36.up = 1;
x37.up = 1;
x38.up = 1;
x39.up = 1;
x40.up = 1;
x41.up = 1;
x42.up = 1;
x43.up = 1;
x44.up = 1;
x45.up = 1;
x46.up = 1;
x47.up = 1;
x48.up = 1;
x49.up = 1;
x50.up = 1;
x51.up = 1;
x52.up = 1;
x53.up = 1;
x54.up = 1;
x55.up = 1;
x56.up = 1;
x57.up = 1;
x58.up = 1;
x59.up = 1;
x60.up = 1;
x61.up = 1;
x62.up = 1;
x63.up = 1;
x64.up = 1;
x65.up = 1;
x66.up = 1;
x67.up = 1000;
x68.up = 1000;
x69.up = 1000;
x70.up = 1000;
x71.up = 1000;
x72.up = 1000;
x73.up = 1000;
x74.up = 1000;
x75.up = 1000;
x76.up = 1000;
x77.up = 1000;
x78.up = 1000;
x79.up = 1000;
x80.up = 1000;
x81.up = 1000;
x82.up = 1000;
x83.up = 1000;
x84.up = 1000;
x85.up = 1000;
x86.up = 1000;

* set non-default levels
x2.l = 1;
x3.l = 1;
x4.l = 1;
x5.l = 1;
x6.l = 1;
x7.l = 1;
x8.l = 1;
x9.l = 1;
x10.l = 1;
x11.l = 1;
x12.l = 0.01;
x13.l = 0.01;
x14.l = 0.01;
x15.l = 0.01;
x16.l = 0.01;
x17.l = 0.01;
x18.l = 0.01;
x19.l = 0.01;
x20.l = 0.01;
x21.l = 0.01;
x22.l = 0.01;
x23.l = 0.01;
x24.l = 0.01;
x25.l = 0.01;
x26.l = 0.01;
x27.l = 0.01;
x28.l = 0.01;
x29.l = 0.01;
x30.l = 0.01;
x31.l = 0.01;
x32.l = 0.01;
x33.l = 0.01;
x34.l = 0.01;
x35.l = 0.01;
x36.l = 0.01;
x37.l = 0.01;
x38.l = 0.01;
x39.l = 0.01;
x40.l = 0.01;
x41.l = 0.01;
x42.l = 0.01;
x43.l = 0.01;
x44.l = 0.01;
x45.l = 0.01;
x46.l = 0.01;
x47.l = 0.01;
x48.l = 0.01;
x49.l = 0.01;
x50.l = 0.01;
x51.l = 0.01;
x52.l = 0.01;
x53.l = 0.01;
x54.l = 0.01;
x55.l = 0.01;
x56.l = 0.01;
x57.l = 0.01;
x58.l = 0.01;
x59.l = 0.01;
x60.l = 0.01;
x61.l = 0.01;
x62.l = 0.01;
x63.l = 0.01;
x64.l = 0.01;
x65.l = 0.01;
x66.l = 0.01;

Model m / all /;

m.limrow=0; m.limcol=0;

$if NOT '%gams.u1%' == '' $include '%gams.u1%'

$if not set NLP $set NLP NLP
Solve m using %NLP% minimizing objvar;

Last updated: 2025-02-06 Git hash: 0ae7ca2b
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