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bchoco07 - point p1

Solution found by ALPHAECP
Formats gdx sol
Added to library 26 Sep 2013
Objective Value 0.962992
Infeasibility 2.418e-09

Variables with value 0.0 are omitted in the following.
x1                                0.962992438615314
x2                                0.429875143444415
x3                                0.841377568132886
x4                                1.384285698673110
x5                                1.811291650870960
x6                                1.480683254384680
x7                                1.040854378877880
x8                                0.526098418270765
x9                                0.072403218646567
x10                               0.429875143443414
x11                               0.013444542598071
x12                               0.623555509877922
x18                               0.001000163521486
x19                               0.016352490359954
x20                               0.034179927305331
x21                               0.440190880318123
x22                               0.413510413394397
x23                               3.724738353195400
x24                               2.111879537367580
x25                              10.000000000000000
x26                               3.866509140946550
x27                               0.072403218646567
x28                               0.429866729807162
x29                               0.841349882962300
x30                               1.384231360811990
x31                               1.811232424581640
x32                               1.480631212454880
x33                               1.040822813124830
x34                               0.526093350045460
x35                               0.072403218646567
x36                               0.429875009060344
x37                               0.013432071487874
x38                               0.623555509877922
x44                               0.001000000000000
x45                               0.016351806893465
x46                               0.034166721827027
x47                               0.440174343626325
x48                               0.413324179644556
x49                               3.724611661423160
x50                               2.111179548193800
x51                               9.999690679529380
x52                               3.866502624656870
x53                               0.072403218646567
x54                               0.072403218646567
x55                               1.040822813124830
x56                               1.811232424581640
x57                               0.841349882962300
x58                               0.526093350045460
x59                               1.480631212454880
x60                               1.384231360811990
x61                               0.429866729807162
x62                               0.837052008188713
x63                               1.620728579844500
x64                               0.782189783667330
x66                               0.461991367208158
x67                               0.892619322808129
x68                               0.429866729807162
x70                               0.003449882149818
x71                               0.003342309496938
x74                               0.445033559855349
x75                               0.429866729807162
x78                               0.000010000000000
x82                               0.072403218646567
x83                               9.999690679529380
x84                               3.724611661423160
x85                               0.440174343626325
x86                               0.016351806893465
x87                               3.866502624656870
x88                               2.111179548193800
x89                               0.413324179644556
x90                               0.034166721827027
x91                               0.001000000000000
x92                               9.960157227914660
x93                               3.716871850059810
x94                               0.439534545630301
x95                               0.016333081128691
x97                               0.668301244677466
x98                               0.242698211056033
x99                               0.027826269602455
x100                              0.001000000000000
x102                              0.099771986332426
x103                              0.024820339253869
x104                              0.001429387162475
x107                              0.076444493690817
x108                              0.018251826365203
x109                              0.001000000000000
x112                              0.000998859344327
x113                              0.000124231205317
x117                              0.008744189834568
x118                              0.001000000000000
x122                              0.000010000000000
b127                              1.000000000000000
b128                              1.000000000000000
b129                              1.000000000000000
objvar                            0.962992438615314

Last updated: 2025-02-06 Git hash: 0ae7ca2b
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