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btest14 - point p4

Solution found by ANTIGONE
Formats gdx sol
Added to library 15 Aug 2014
Objective Value -59.817388
Infeasibility 2.194e-10

Variables with value 0.0 are omitted in the following.
x3                                1.000000000000000
x4                                0.995217391304348
x5                                0.995555555555556
x6                                0.992666666666667
x7                                0.993721719457014
x8                                0.688831980962298
x9                                1.000000000000000
x10                               0.990909090909091
x11                               0.721641177038628
x12                               1.000000000000000
x13                               0.596221850008190
x14                               0.742500000000000
x15                               0.990000000000000
x16                               1.000000000000000
x17                               0.990000000000000
x18                               0.990000000000000
x19                               0.990000000000000
x20                               1.000000000000000
x21                               0.990000000000000
x22                               0.876270024150585
x23                               1.000000000000000
x24                               0.513075770826032
x25                               1.000000000000000
x27                               0.990153846153846
x28                               1.000000000000000
x29                               0.755631185675767
x30                               1.000000000000000
x31                               1.000000000000000
x32                              -0.079069767441860
x33                               0.957857785652309
x34                               0.857318503168424
x35                               0.947739811219519
x36                               1.000000000000000
x38                               0.990000000000000
x39                               0.996111111111111
x40                               1.000000000000000
x41                               0.991111111111111
x42                               1.000000000000000
x43                               1.000000000000000
x44                              -1.000000000000000
x45                              -1.000000000000000
x46                              26.193914355109001
x47                              46.285405438155401
x48                              36.099479004903202
x49                              48.073240976857498
x50                             896.983866136739039
x51                             776.106806714294976
x52                             170.950793536930007
x53                              81.039295144192394
x54                               9.365149394611031
x55                              54.489890385358400
x56                              36.685859371513700
x57                              30.612953675035701
x58                              28.838451267313701
x59                              26.196963634953800
x60                              22.610378734389499
x61                             910.187004114204001
x62                             579.452120062787003
x63                             188.650007522994002
x64                             137.743654058201002
x65                            1000.000000000000000
x66                             706.186235691245997
x67                              88.198438654559595
x68                              16.874901372631101
x69                              43.460632806213802
x70                              82.653913000432595
x71                         1000000.000000000000000
x72                              19.406936473621400
x73                              38.324864194369297
x74                              14.949881977056400
x75                               4.209857617467140
x76                             150.456136733864014
x77                              15.840939413511901
x78                              22.453616476935899
x79                              41.408743659551803
x80                             990.561749127989970
x81                               4.884906118093110
x82                            1857.517216103620058
x83                            7565.773117886229556
x84                              18.132414954612400
x85                              38.264290375889402
x86                              69.622727934081695
x87                             240.627385565769004
x88                             143.466206241071006
x89                              -1.000000000000000
x90                              -1.000000000000000
x91                               3.265527107264130
x92                               3.834826694082310
x93                               3.586278433237550
x94                               3.872725701660510
x95                               0.001114847253950
x96                               0.001288482450287
x97                               0.076482916332810
x98                               0.111084169511200
x99                               0.106778862553482
x100                              0.018352028108845
x101                              0.027258459175594
x102                              0.032665910340285
x103                              0.034675925927181
x104                              0.038172362794966
x105                              0.044227476759557
x106                              0.001098675322192
x107                              0.001725768127126
x108                              0.072806740182251
x109                              0.085204827222189
x110                              0.001000000000000
x111                              6.559878992637740
x112                              4.479589260526800
x113                              2.825827392156690
x114                              3.771855535380670
x115                              4.414662167374190
x116                              0.001000000000000
x117                              2.965630552350120
x118                              3.646098881225680
x119                              0.066890160172147
x120                              1.437428827043310
x121                              5.013671591435720
x122                              2.762597691036300
x123                              0.044536255485934
x124                              3.723492058037880
x125                             31.473190958782499
x126                              1.586150066905380
x127                              7.526996044976210
x128                              8.931389817681000
x129                              2.897701218025890
x130                              3.644517095098140
x131                              4.243091064811310
x132                              5.483249619032460
x133                              4.966099510888100
objvar                          -59.817387809702801

Last updated: 2025-02-06 Git hash: 0ae7ca2b
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