A Library of Mixed-Integer and Continuous Nonlinear Programming Instances
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This page lists the MINLPLib instances ordered by date of addition to and removal from the library.
2024-03-25 added: 2024-03-04 added:- acopf_case1354pegase_qcqp
- acopf_case13659pegase_qcqp
- acopf_case6468rte_qcqp
- acopf_case6515rte_qcqp
- acopf_case9241pegase_qcqp
- acopf_caseactivsg25k_qcqp
- acopf_caseactivsg70k_qcqp
- minsurf100: Instance is continuous and convex.
- minsurf25: Instance is continuous and convex.
- minsurf50: Instance is continuous and convex.
- minsurf75: Instance is continuous and convex.
- weapons: Instance is continuous and convex.
- arki0008: Numerically difficult formulation (coefficient of order 1E12 in front of exp())
- arki0022: Numerically difficult formulation (coefficient of order 1E-11 in front of log())
- arki0023: Numerically difficult formulation (coefficient of order 1E-11 in front of log())
- arki0024: Numerically difficult formulation (coefficient of order 1E-14)
- bayes2_10: Numerically difficult formulation (coefficient of order 1E-11)
- bchoco05: Numerically difficult formulation (coefficient of order 1E-10 and 1E7)
- bchoco06: Numerically difficult formulation (coefficient of order 1E-10 and 1E8)
- bchoco07: Numerically difficult formulation (coefficient of order 1E-10 and 1E9)
- bchoco08: Numerically difficult formulation (coefficient of order 1E-10 and 1E10)
- ex8_3_1: Numerically difficult formulation (coefficient of order 1E12 in front of exp())
- ex8_3_11: Numerically difficult formulation (coefficient of order 1E12 in front of exp())
- ex8_3_12: Numerically difficult formulation (coefficient of order 1E17 in front of exp())
- ex8_3_14: Numerically difficult formulation (coefficient of order 1E16 in front of exp())
- gasnet_al1: Numerically difficult formulation (coefficient of order 1E-14)
- gasnet_al2: Numerically difficult formulation (coefficient of order 1E-14)
- gasnet_al3: Numerically difficult formulation (coefficient of order 1E-14)
- gasnet_al4: Numerically difficult formulation (coefficient of order 1E-14)
- gasnet_al5: Numerically difficult formulation (coefficient of order 1E-14)
- meanvarxsc: Very similar to meanvarx
- arki0007: Numerically very bad formulation (coefficients of order 1e-21).
- ethanolh: Use of eps in original GAMS model probably a bug.
- ethanolm: Use of eps in original GAMS model probably a bug.
- ex8_2_2b: Numerically very bad formulation (coefficients of order 1e-14).
- ex8_2_3b: Numerically very bad formulation (coefficients of order 1e-17).
- ex8_2_5b: Numerically very bad formulation (coefficients of order 1e-13).
- fdesign10: Numerically too difficult for finite-precision solvers (coefficients of order 1e-16).
- fdesign25: Numerically too difficult for finite-precision solvers (coefficients of order 1e-18).
- fdesign50: Numerically too difficult for finite-precision solvers (coefficients of order 1e-18).
- flowchan100fix: Underflow in original model lead to tiny coefficients and coefficients rounded to 0 (or GAMS eps).
- flowchan200fix: Underflow in original model lead to tiny coefficients and coefficients rounded to 0 (or GAMS eps).
- flowchan400fix: Underflow in original model lead to tiny coefficients and coefficients rounded to 0 (or GAMS eps).
- flowchan50fix: Underflow in original model lead to tiny coefficients and coefficients rounded to 0 (or GAMS eps).
- abel: Instance is continuous and convex
- arki0001: Instance is continuous and convex
- autocorr_bern35-35: Bug in original model found, fixed version available as autocorr_bern35-35fix
- bearing: Difficult numerical behavior. Optimal value changes by > 2% when increasing feasibility tolerance.
- circle: Instance is continuous and easily recognized as SOCP
- clay0203h: Superseded by clay0203hfsg
- clay0204h: Superseded by clay0204hfsg
- clay0205h: Superseded by clay0205hfsg
- clay0303h: Superseded by clay0303hfsg
- clay0304h: Superseded by clay0304hfsg
- clay0305h: Superseded by clay0305hfsg
- gtm: Instance is continuous and convex.
- harker: Instance is continuous and convex.
- immun: Instance is continuous and convex.
- jbearing100: Instance is continuous and convex.
- jbearing25: Instance is continuous and convex.
- jbearing50: Instance is continuous and convex.
- jbearing75: Instance is continuous and convex.
- linear: Instance is continuous and convex.
- meanvar: Instance is continuous and convex.
- minlphix: Difficult numerical behavior. Optimal value changes sign and by several orders of magnitude when increasing feasibility tolerance.
- parabol5_2_1: Instance is continuous and convex.
- pollut: Instance is continuous and convex.
- procsyn: Instance is continuous and convex.
- qp2: Instance is continuous and convex.
- qp4: Instance is continuous and convex.
- robot100: Formulation seems unbounded, while model should be bounded (minimizes time).
- robot200: Formulation seems unbounded, while model should be bounded (minimizes time).
- robot400: Formulation seems unbounded, while model should be bounded (minimizes time).
- robot50: Formulation seems unbounded, while model should be bounded (minimizes time).
- rsyn0805h: Superseded by rsyn0805hfsg.
- rsyn0805m02h: Superseded by rsyn0805m02hfsg.
- rsyn0805m03h: Superseded by rsyn0805m03hfsg.
- rsyn0805m04h: Superseded by rsyn0805m04hfsg.
- rsyn0810h: Superseded by rsyn0810hfsg.
- rsyn0810m02h: Superseded by rsyn0810m02hfsg.
- rsyn0810m03h: Superseded by rsyn0810m03hfsg.
- rsyn0810m04h: Superseded by rsyn0810m04hfsg.
- rsyn0815h: Superseded by rsyn0815hfsg.
- rsyn0815m02h: Superseded by rsyn0815m02hfsg.
- rsyn0815m03h: Superseded by rsyn0815m03hfsg.
- rsyn0815m04h: Superseded by rsyn0815m04hfsg.
- rsyn0820h: Superseded by rsyn0820hfsg.
- rsyn0820m02h: Superseded by rsyn0820m02hfsg.
- rsyn0820m03h: Superseded by rsyn0820m03hfsg.
- rsyn0820m04h: Superseded by rsyn0820m04hfsg.
- rsyn0830h: Superseded by rsyn0830hfsg.
- rsyn0830m02h: Superseded by rsyn0830m02hfsg.
- rsyn0830m03h: Superseded by rsyn0830m03hfsg.
- rsyn0830m04h: Superseded by rsyn0830m04hfsg.
- rsyn0840h: Superseded by rsyn0840hfsg.
- rsyn0840m02h: Superseded by rsyn0840m02hfsg.
- rsyn0840m03h: Superseded by rsyn0840m03hfsg.
- rsyn0840m04h: Superseded by rsyn0840m04hfsg.
- sambal: Instance is continuous and convex.
- sample: Instance is continuous and convex.
- smallinvSNPr1b010-011: Relevant loss in precision when original instances were produced.
- smallinvSNPr1b020-022: Relevant loss in precision when original instances were produced.
- smallinvSNPr1b050-055: Relevant loss in precision when original instances were produced.
- smallinvSNPr1b100-110: Relevant loss in precision when original instances were produced.
- smallinvSNPr1b150-165: Relevant loss in precision when original instances were produced.
- smallinvSNPr1b200-220: Relevant loss in precision when original instances were produced.
- smallinvSNPr2b010-011: Relevant loss in precision when original instances were produced.
- smallinvSNPr2b020-022: Relevant loss in precision when original instances were produced.
- smallinvSNPr2b050-055: Relevant loss in precision when original instances were produced.
- smallinvSNPr2b100-110: Relevant loss in precision when original instances were produced.
- smallinvSNPr2b150-165: Relevant loss in precision when original instances were produced.
- smallinvSNPr2b200-220: Relevant loss in precision when original instances were produced.
- smallinvSNPr3b010-011: Relevant loss in precision when original instances were produced.
- smallinvSNPr3b020-022: Relevant loss in precision when original instances were produced.
- smallinvSNPr3b050-055: Relevant loss in precision when original instances were produced.
- smallinvSNPr3b100-110: Relevant loss in precision when original instances were produced.
- smallinvSNPr3b150-165: Relevant loss in precision when original instances were produced.
- smallinvSNPr3b200-220: Relevant loss in precision when original instances were produced.
- smallinvSNPr4b010-011: Relevant loss in precision when original instances were produced.
- smallinvSNPr4b020-022: Relevant loss in precision when original instances were produced.
- smallinvSNPr4b050-055: Relevant loss in precision when original instances were produced.
- smallinvSNPr4b100-110: Relevant loss in precision when original instances were produced.
- smallinvSNPr4b150-165: Relevant loss in precision when original instances were produced.
- smallinvSNPr4b200-220: Relevant loss in precision when original instances were produced.
- smallinvSNPr5b010-011: Relevant loss in precision when original instances were produced.
- smallinvSNPr5b020-022: Relevant loss in precision when original instances were produced.
- smallinvSNPr5b050-055: Relevant loss in precision when original instances were produced.
- smallinvSNPr5b100-110: Relevant loss in precision when original instances were produced.
- smallinvSNPr5b150-165: Relevant loss in precision when original instances were produced.
- smallinvSNPr5b200-220: Relevant loss in precision when original instances were produced.
- srcpm: Instance is continuous and convex.
- st_cqpf: Instance is continuous and convex.
- st_cqpjk1: Instance is continuous and convex.
- st_cqpjk2: Instance is continuous and convex.
- st_e17: Instance is continuous and convex.
- super1: Numerically very bad formulation (coefficient of order 1e-13 in e1376).
- super2: Numerically very bad formulation (coefficient of order 1e-13 in e1376).
- super3: Numerically very bad formulation (coefficient of order 1e-13 in e1376).
- syn05h: Superseded by syn05hfsg.
- syn05m02h: Superseded by syn05m02hfsg.
- syn05m03h: Superseded by syn05m03hfsg.
- syn05m04h: Superseded by syn05m04hfsg.
- syn10h: Superseded by syn10hfsg.
- syn10m02h: Superseded by syn10m02hfsg.
- syn10m03h: Superseded by syn10m03hfsg.
- syn10m04h: Superseded by syn10m04hfsg.
- syn15h: Superseded by syn15hfsg.
- syn15m02h: Superseded by syn15m02hfsg.
- syn15m03h: Superseded by syn15m03hfsg.
- syn15m04h: Superseded by syn15m04hfsg.
- syn20h: Superseded by syn20hfsg.
- syn20m02h: Superseded by syn20m02hfsg.
- syn20m03h: Superseded by syn20m03hfsg.
- syn20m04h: Superseded by syn20m04hfsg.
- syn30h: Superseded by syn30hfsg.
- syn30m02h: Superseded by syn30m02hfsg.
- syn30m03h: Superseded by syn30m03hfsg.
- syn30m04h: Superseded by syn30m04hfsg.
- syn40h: Superseded by syn40hfsg.
- syn40m02h: Superseded by syn40m02hfsg.
- syn40m03h: Superseded by syn30m03hfsg.
- syn40m04h: Superseded by syn40m04hfsg.
- turkey: Instance is continuous and convex.
- wall: Bug in original GAMS model had been found, fixed version available as wallfix.
- ann_compressor_exp
- ann_compressor_tanh
- ann_cumene_exp
- ann_cumene_tanh
- ann_fermentation_exp
- ann_fermentation_tanh
- ann_peaks_exp
- ann_peaks_tanh
- kriging_peaks-full010
- kriging_peaks-full020
- kriging_peaks-full030
- kriging_peaks-full050
- kriging_peaks-full100
- kriging_peaks-full200
- kriging_peaks-full500
- kriging_peaks-red010
- kriging_peaks-red020
- kriging_peaks-red030
- kriging_peaks-red050
- kriging_peaks-red100
- kriging_peaks-red200
- kriging_peaks-red500
- p_ball_10b_5p_2d_h
- p_ball_10b_5p_2d_m
- p_ball_10b_5p_3d_h
- p_ball_10b_5p_3d_m
- p_ball_10b_5p_4d_h
- p_ball_10b_5p_4d_m
- p_ball_10b_7p_3d_h
- p_ball_10b_7p_3d_m
- p_ball_15b_5p_2d_h
- p_ball_15b_5p_2d_m
- p_ball_20b_5p_2d_h
- p_ball_20b_5p_2d_m
- p_ball_20b_5p_3d_h
- p_ball_20b_5p_3d_m
- p_ball_30b_10p_2d_h
- p_ball_30b_10p_2d_m
- p_ball_30b_5p_2d_h
- p_ball_30b_5p_2d_m
- p_ball_30b_5p_3d_h
- p_ball_30b_5p_3d_m
- p_ball_30b_7p_2d_h
- p_ball_30b_7p_2d_m
- p_ball_40b_5p_3d_h
- p_ball_40b_5p_3d_m
- p_ball_40b_5p_4d_h
- p_ball_40b_5p_4d_m
- chimera_k64ising-01
- chimera_k64ising-02
- chimera_k64maxcut-01
- chimera_k64maxcut-02
- chimera_lga-01
- chimera_lga-02
- chimera_mgw-c16-2031-01
- chimera_mgw-c16-2031-02
- chimera_mgw-c8-439-onc8-001
- chimera_mgw-c8-439-onc8-002
- chimera_mgw-c8-507-onc8-01
- chimera_mgw-c8-507-onc8-02
- chimera_mis-01
- chimera_mis-02
- chimera_rfr-01
- chimera_rfr-02
- chimera_selby-c16-01
- chimera_selby-c16-02
- chimera_selby-c8-onc8-01
- chimera_selby-c8-onc8-02
- clay0203hfsg
- clay0204hfsg
- clay0205hfsg
- clay0303hfsg
- clay0304hfsg
- clay0305hfsg
- inscribedsquare01
- inscribedsquare02
- inscribedsquare03
- rsyn0805hfsg
- rsyn0805m02hfsg
- rsyn0805m03hfsg
- rsyn0805m04hfsg
- rsyn0810hfsg
- rsyn0810m02hfsg
- rsyn0810m03hfsg
- rsyn0810m04hfsg
- rsyn0815hfsg
- rsyn0815m02hfsg
- rsyn0815m03hfsg
- rsyn0815m04hfsg
- rsyn0820hfsg
- rsyn0820m02hfsg
- rsyn0820m03hfsg
- rsyn0820m04hfsg
- rsyn0830hfsg
- rsyn0830m02hfsg
- rsyn0830m03hfsg
- rsyn0830m04hfsg
- rsyn0840hfsg
- rsyn0840m02hfsg
- rsyn0840m03hfsg
- rsyn0840m04hfsg
- syn05hfsg
- syn05m02hfsg
- syn05m03hfsg
- syn05m04hfsg
- syn10hfsg
- syn10m02hfsg
- syn10m03hfsg
- syn10m04hfsg
- syn15hfsg
- syn15m02hfsg
- syn15m03hfsg
- syn15m04hfsg
- syn20hfsg
- syn20m02hfsg
- syn20m03hfsg
- syn20m04hfsg
- syn30hfsg
- syn30m02hfsg
- syn30m03hfsg
- syn30m04hfsg
- syn40hfsg
- syn40m02hfsg
- syn40m03hfsg
- syn40m04hfsg
- celar6-sub0
- color_lab2_4x0
- color_lab3_3x0
- color_lab3_4x0
- color_lab6b_4x20
- cont6-qq
- dtoc5
- eigena2
- gabriel01
- gabriel02
- gabriel04
- gabriel05
- gabriel06
- gabriel07
- gabriel08
- gabriel09
- gabriel10
- ising2_5-300_5555
- junkturn
- kissing2
- maxcsp-ehi-85-297-12
- maxcsp-ehi-85-297-36
- maxcsp-ehi-85-297-71
- maxcsp-ehi-90-315-70
- maxcsp-geo50-20-d4-75-36
- maxcsp-langford-3-11
- meanvar-orl400_05_e_7
- meanvar-orl400_05_e_8
- nd_netgen-2000-2-5-a-a-ns_7
- nd_netgen-2000-3-4-b-a-ns_7
- nd_netgen-3000-1-1-b-b-ns_7
- ngone
- optcdeg2
- optmass
- parabol5_2_1
- parabol5_2_2
- parabol5_2_3
- parabol5_2_4
- parabol_p
- pedigree_ex1058
- pedigree_ex485
- pedigree_ex485_2
- pedigree_sim2000
- pedigree_sim400
- pedigree_sp_top4_250
- pedigree_sp_top4_300
- pedigree_sp_top4_350tr
- pedigree_sp_top5_200
- pedigree_sp_top5_250
- pooling_digabel16
- pooling_digabel18
- pooling_digabel19
- qspp_0_10_0_1_10_1
- qspp_0_11_0_1_10_1
- qspp_0_12_0_1_10_1
- qspp_0_13_0_1_10_1
- qspp_0_14_0_1_10_1
- qspp_0_15_0_1_10_1
- radar-2000-10-a-6_lat_7
- radar-3000-10-a-8_lat_7
- sonet17v4
- sonet18v6
- sonet19v5
- sonet20v6
- sonet21v6
- sonet22v4
- sonet22v5
- sonet23v4
- sonet23v6
- sonet24v2
- sonet24v5
- sonet25v5
- sonet25v6
- sonetgr17
- topopt-cantilever_60x40_50
- topopt-mbb_60x40_50
- topopt-zhou-rozvany_75
- toroidal2g20_5555
- toroidal3g7_6666
- trainf
- unitcommit_200_0_5_mod_7
- unitcommit_200_100_1_mod_8
- unitcommit_200_100_2_mod_7
- unitcommit_200_100_2_mod_8
- unitcommit_50_20_2_mod_8
- crudeoil_pooling_ct1
- crudeoil_pooling_ct2
- crudeoil_pooling_ct3
- crudeoil_pooling_ct4
- crudeoil_pooling_dt1
- crudeoil_pooling_dt2
- crudeoil_pooling_dt3
- crudeoil_pooling_dt4
- gasnet_al1
- gasnet_al2
- gasnet_al3
- gasnet_al4
- gasnet_al5
- pooling_adhya1pq
- pooling_adhya1stp
- pooling_adhya1tp
- pooling_adhya2pq
- pooling_adhya2stp
- pooling_adhya2tp
- pooling_adhya3pq
- pooling_adhya3stp
- pooling_adhya3tp
- pooling_adhya4pq
- pooling_adhya4stp
- pooling_adhya4tp
- pooling_bental4pq
- pooling_bental4stp
- pooling_bental4tp
- pooling_bental5pq
- pooling_bental5stp
- pooling_bental5tp
- pooling_foulds2pq
- pooling_foulds2stp
- pooling_foulds2tp
- pooling_foulds3pq
- pooling_foulds3stp
- pooling_foulds3tp
- pooling_foulds4pq
- pooling_foulds4stp
- pooling_foulds4tp
- pooling_foulds5pq
- pooling_foulds5stp
- pooling_foulds5tp
- pooling_haverly1pq
- pooling_haverly1stp
- pooling_haverly1tp
- pooling_haverly2pq
- pooling_haverly2stp
- pooling_haverly2tp
- pooling_haverly3pq
- pooling_haverly3stp
- pooling_haverly3tp
- pooling_rt2pq
- pooling_rt2stp
- pooling_rt2tp
- pooling_sppa0pq
- pooling_sppa0stp
- pooling_sppa0tp
- pooling_sppa5pq
- pooling_sppa5stp
- pooling_sppa5tp
- pooling_sppa9pq
- pooling_sppa9stp
- pooling_sppa9tp
- pooling_sppb0pq
- pooling_sppb0stp
- pooling_sppb0tp
- pooling_sppb2pq
- pooling_sppb2stp
- pooling_sppb2tp
- pooling_sppb5pq
- pooling_sppb5stp
- pooling_sppb5tp
- pooling_sppc0pq
- pooling_sppc0stp
- pooling_sppc0tp
- pooling_sppc1pq
- pooling_sppc1stp
- pooling_sppc1tp
- pooling_sppc3pq
- pooling_sppc3stp
- pooling_sppc3tp
- procurement1large
- procurement1mot
- procurement2mot
- ball_mk2_10
- ball_mk2_30
- ball_mk3_10
- ball_mk3_20
- ball_mk3_30
- ball_mk4_05
- ball_mk4_10
- ball_mk4_15
- chp_shorttermplan1a
- chp_shorttermplan1b
- chp_shorttermplan2a
- chp_shorttermplan2b
- chp_shorttermplan2c
- chp_shorttermplan2d
- cvxnonsep_normcon20
- cvxnonsep_normcon20r
- cvxnonsep_normcon30
- cvxnonsep_normcon30r
- cvxnonsep_normcon40
- cvxnonsep_normcon40r
- cvxnonsep_nsig20
- cvxnonsep_nsig20r
- cvxnonsep_nsig30
- cvxnonsep_nsig30r
- cvxnonsep_nsig40
- cvxnonsep_nsig40r
- cvxnonsep_pcon20
- cvxnonsep_pcon20r
- cvxnonsep_pcon30
- cvxnonsep_pcon30r
- cvxnonsep_pcon40
- cvxnonsep_pcon40r
- cvxnonsep_psig20
- cvxnonsep_psig20r
- cvxnonsep_psig30
- cvxnonsep_psig30r
- cvxnonsep_psig40
- cvxnonsep_psig40r
- orth_d3m6
- orth_d3m6_pl
- orth_d4m6_pl
- gastrans040
- gastrans135
- gastrans582_cold13
- gastrans582_cold13_95
- gastrans582_cold17
- gastrans582_cold17_95
- gastrans582_cool12
- gastrans582_cool12_95
- gastrans582_cool14
- gastrans582_cool14_95
- gastrans582_freezing27
- gastrans582_freezing27_95
- gastrans582_freezing30
- gastrans582_freezing30_95
- gastrans582_mild10
- gastrans582_mild10_95
- gastrans582_mild11
- gastrans582_mild11_95
- gastrans582_warm15
- gastrans582_warm15_95
- gastrans582_warm31
- gastrans582_warm31_95
- flowchan100: Bug in original GAMS model had been found, fixed version available as flowchan100fix
- flowchan200: Bug in original GAMS model had been found, fixed version available as flowchan200fix
- flowchan400: Bug in original GAMS model had been found, fixed version available as flowchan400fix
- flowchan50: Bug in original GAMS model had been found, fixed version available as flowchan50fix
- cesam2cent
- cesam2log
- emfl050_3_3
- emfl050_5_5
- emfl100_3_3
- emfl100_5_5
- fdesign10
- fdesign25
- fdesign50
- gastransnlp
- himmel11
- hybriddynamic_fixedcc
- hybriddynamic_varcc
- knp3-12
- knp4-24
- knp5-40
- knp5-41
- knp5-42
- knp5-43
- knp5-44
- mathopt5_1
- mathopt5_2
- mathopt5_3
- mathopt5_4
- mathopt5_5
- mathopt5_6
- mathopt5_7
- mathopt5_8
- mathopt6
- powerflow0009p
- powerflow0009r
- powerflow0014p
- powerflow0014r
- powerflow0030p
- powerflow0030r
- powerflow0039p
- powerflow0039r
- powerflow0057p
- powerflow0057r
- powerflow0118p
- powerflow0118r
- powerflow0300p
- powerflow0300r
- powerflow2383wpp
- powerflow2383wpr
- powerflow2736spp
- powerflow2736spr
- procsyn
- quantum
- tricp
- trigx
- kall_circles_c6a
- kall_circles_c6b
- kall_circles_c6c
- kall_circles_c7a
- kall_circles_c8a
- kall_circlespolygons_c1p11
- kall_circlespolygons_c1p12
- kall_circlespolygons_c1p13
- kall_circlespolygons_c1p5a
- kall_circlespolygons_c1p5b
- kall_circlespolygons_c1p6a
- kall_circlesrectangles_c1r11
- kall_circlesrectangles_c1r12
- kall_circlesrectangles_c1r13
- kall_circlesrectangles_c6r1
- kall_circlesrectangles_c6r29
- kall_circlesrectangles_c6r39
- kall_congruentcircles_c31
- kall_congruentcircles_c32
- kall_congruentcircles_c41
- kall_congruentcircles_c42
- kall_congruentcircles_c51
- kall_congruentcircles_c52
- kall_congruentcircles_c61
- kall_congruentcircles_c62
- kall_congruentcircles_c63
- kall_congruentcircles_c71
- kall_congruentcircles_c72
- kall_diffcircles_10
- kall_diffcircles_5a
- kall_diffcircles_5b
- kall_diffcircles_6
- kall_diffcircles_7
- kall_diffcircles_8
- kall_diffcircles_9
- pointpack02
- pointpack04
- pointpack06
- pointpack08
- pointpack10
- pointpack12
- pointpack14
- shiporig
- wastewater02m1
- wastewater02m2
- wastewater04m1
- wastewater04m2
- wastewater05m1
- wastewater05m2
- wastewater11m1
- wastewater11m2
- wastewater12m1
- wastewater12m2
- wastewater13m1
- wastewater13m2
- wastewater14m1
- wastewater14m2
- wastewater15m1
- wastewater15m2
- waterund01
- waterund08
- waterund11
- waterund14
- waterund17
- waterund18
- waterund22
- waterund25
- waterund27
- waterund28
- waterund32
- waterund36
- ex8_3_10: Objective function is singular (division by variable that can be 0)
- ex8_3_6: Objective function is singular (division by variable that can be 0)
- ship: Objective function is singular (division by variable that can be 0)
- camcge: Optimization variant of camcns, but having only one solution
- ex8_2_1: Variant of ex8_2_1b with some variable bounds missing and x57 and x58 not substituted out
- ex8_2_1a: Variant of ex8_2_1b with x57 and x58 not substituted out
- ex8_2_2: Variant of ex8_2_2b with some variable bounds missing and x7512..x7523 not substituted out
- ex8_2_2a: Variant of ex8_2_2b with x7512..x7523 not substituted out
- ex8_2_3: Variant of ex8_2_3b with some variable bounds missing and x15683..x15642 not substituted out
- ex8_2_3a: Variant of ex8_2_3b with x15638..x15642 not substituted out
- ex8_2_4: Variant of ex8_2_4b with some variable bounds missing and x57..x62 not substituted out
- ex8_2_4a: Variant of ex8_2_4b with x57..x62 not substituted out
- ex8_2_5: Variant of ex8_2_5b with some variable bounds missing and x2512..x2535 not substituted out
- ex8_2_5a: Variant of ex8_2_5b with x2512..x2535 not substituted out
- ex8_4_8: Variant of ex8_4_8_bnd with some variable bounds missing
- ganges: Optimization variant of gancns, but having only one solution
- korcge: Optimization variant of korcns, but having only one solution
- qp1: Duplicate of qp2
- qp5: Instance is purely linear (approximation of qp4)
- hydroenergy1
- hydroenergy2
- hydroenergy3
- sfacloc1_2_80
- sfacloc1_2_90
- sfacloc1_2_95
- sfacloc1_3_80
- sfacloc1_3_90
- sfacloc1_3_95
- sfacloc1_4_80
- sfacloc1_4_90
- sfacloc1_4_95
- sfacloc2_2_80
- sfacloc2_2_90
- sfacloc2_2_95
- sfacloc2_3_80
- sfacloc2_3_90
- sfacloc2_3_95
- sfacloc2_4_80
- sfacloc2_4_90
- sfacloc2_4_95
- waterno1_01
- waterno1_02
- waterno1_03
- waterno1_04
- waterno1_06
- waterno1_09
- waterno1_12
- waterno1_18
- waterno1_24
- waterno2_01
- waterno2_02
- waterno2_03
- waterno2_04
- waterno2_06
- waterno2_09
- waterno2_12
- waterno2_18
- waterno2_24
- portfol_buyin
- portfol_card
- portfol_roundlot
- routingdelay_bigm
- routingdelay_proj
- telecomsp_metro
- telecomsp_njlata
- telecomsp_nor_sun
- telecomsp_pacbell
- enpro48: Variant of enpro48pb with some variable bounds missing
- enpro56: Variant of enpro56pb with some variable bounds missing
- ex3: Variant of ex3pb with some variable bounds missing
- ravem: Variant of ravempb with some variable bounds missing
- risk2b: Variant of risk2bpb with some variable bounds missing
- transswitch0030p
- transswitch0030r
- transswitch0039p
- transswitch0039r
- transswitch0057p
- transswitch0057r
- transswitch0118p
- transswitch0118r
- transswitch0300p
- transswitch0300r
- transswitch2383wpp
- transswitch2383wpr
- transswitch2736spp
- transswitch2736spr
- pump: Duplicate of ex1252a
- portfol_classical050_1
- portfol_classical200_2
- portfol_robust050_34
- portfol_robust100_09
- portfol_robust200_03
- portfol_shortfall050_68
- portfol_shortfall100_04
- portfol_shortfall200_05
- jit1
- kport20
- kport40
- ndcc12
- ndcc12persp
- ndcc13
- ndcc13persp
- ndcc14
- ndcc14persp
- ndcc15
- ndcc15persp
- ndcc16
- ndcc16persp
- tanksize
- autocorr_bern20-03
- autocorr_bern20-05
- autocorr_bern20-10
- autocorr_bern25-03
- autocorr_bern25-06
- autocorr_bern25-13
- autocorr_bern25-19
- autocorr_bern25-25
- autocorr_bern30-04
- autocorr_bern30-08
- autocorr_bern30-15
- autocorr_bern30-23
- autocorr_bern30-30
- autocorr_bern35-04
- autocorr_bern35-09
- autocorr_bern35-18
- autocorr_bern35-26
- autocorr_bern35-35
- autocorr_bern40-05
- autocorr_bern40-10
- autocorr_bern40-20
- autocorr_bern40-30
- autocorr_bern40-40
- autocorr_bern45-05
- autocorr_bern45-11
- autocorr_bern45-23
- autocorr_bern45-34
- autocorr_bern45-45
- autocorr_bern50-06
- autocorr_bern50-13
- autocorr_bern50-25
- autocorr_bern50-38
- autocorr_bern50-50
- autocorr_bern55-06
- autocorr_bern55-14
- autocorr_bern55-28
- autocorr_bern55-41
- autocorr_bern55-55
- autocorr_bern60-08
- autocorr_bern60-15
- autocorr_bern60-30
- autocorr_bern60-45
- autocorr_bern60-60
- edgecross10-010
- edgecross10-020
- edgecross10-030
- edgecross10-040
- edgecross10-050
- edgecross10-060
- edgecross10-070
- edgecross10-080
- edgecross10-090
- edgecross14-019
- edgecross14-039
- edgecross14-058
- edgecross14-078
- edgecross14-098
- edgecross14-117
- edgecross14-137
- edgecross14-156
- edgecross14-176
- edgecross20-040
- edgecross20-080
- edgecross22-048
- edgecross22-096
- edgecross24-057
- edgecross24-115
- faclay20h
- faclay25
- faclay30
- faclay30h
- faclay33
- faclay35
- faclay60
- faclay70
- faclay75
- faclay80
- graphpart_2g-0044-1601
- graphpart_2g-0055-0062
- graphpart_2g-0066-0066
- graphpart_2g-0077-0077
- graphpart_2g-0088-0088
- graphpart_2g-0099-9211
- graphpart_2g-1010-0824
- graphpart_2pm-0044-0044
- graphpart_2pm-0055-0055
- graphpart_2pm-0066-0066
- graphpart_2pm-0077-0777
- graphpart_2pm-0088-0888
- graphpart_2pm-0099-0999
- graphpart_3g-0234-0234
- graphpart_3g-0244-0244
- graphpart_3g-0333-0333
- graphpart_3g-0334-0334
- graphpart_3g-0344-0344
- graphpart_3g-0444-0444
- graphpart_3pm-0234-0234
- graphpart_3pm-0244-0244
- graphpart_3pm-0333-0333
- graphpart_3pm-0334-0334
- graphpart_3pm-0344-0344
- graphpart_3pm-0444-0444
- graphpart_clique-20
- graphpart_clique-30
- graphpart_clique-40
- graphpart_clique-50
- graphpart_clique-60
- graphpart_clique-70
- smallinvDAXr1b010-011
- smallinvDAXr1b020-022
- smallinvDAXr1b050-055
- smallinvDAXr1b100-110
- smallinvDAXr1b150-165
- smallinvDAXr1b200-220
- smallinvDAXr2b010-011
- smallinvDAXr2b020-022
- smallinvDAXr2b050-055
- smallinvDAXr2b100-110
- smallinvDAXr2b150-165
- smallinvDAXr2b200-220
- smallinvDAXr3b010-011
- smallinvDAXr3b020-022
- smallinvDAXr3b050-055
- smallinvDAXr3b100-110
- smallinvDAXr3b150-165
- smallinvDAXr3b200-220
- smallinvDAXr4b010-011
- smallinvDAXr4b020-022
- smallinvDAXr4b050-055
- smallinvDAXr4b100-110
- smallinvDAXr4b150-165
- smallinvDAXr4b200-220
- smallinvDAXr5b010-011
- smallinvDAXr5b020-022
- smallinvDAXr5b050-055
- smallinvDAXr5b100-110
- smallinvDAXr5b150-165
- smallinvDAXr5b200-220
- smallinvSNPr1b010-011
- smallinvSNPr1b020-022
- smallinvSNPr1b050-055
- smallinvSNPr1b100-110
- smallinvSNPr1b150-165
- smallinvSNPr1b200-220
- smallinvSNPr2b010-011
- smallinvSNPr2b020-022
- smallinvSNPr2b050-055
- smallinvSNPr2b100-110
- smallinvSNPr2b150-165
- smallinvSNPr2b200-220
- smallinvSNPr3b010-011
- smallinvSNPr3b020-022
- smallinvSNPr3b050-055
- smallinvSNPr3b100-110
- smallinvSNPr3b150-165
- smallinvSNPr3b200-220
- smallinvSNPr4b010-011
- smallinvSNPr4b020-022
- smallinvSNPr4b050-055
- smallinvSNPr4b100-110
- smallinvSNPr4b150-165
- smallinvSNPr4b200-220
- smallinvSNPr5b010-011
- smallinvSNPr5b020-022
- smallinvSNPr5b050-055
- smallinvSNPr5b100-110
- smallinvSNPr5b150-165
- smallinvSNPr5b200-220
- sporttournament06
- sporttournament08
- sporttournament10
- sporttournament12
- sporttournament14
- sporttournament16
- sporttournament18
- sporttournament20
- sporttournament22
- sporttournament24
- sporttournament26
- sporttournament28
- sporttournament30
- sporttournament32
- sporttournament34
- sporttournament36
- sporttournament38
- sporttournament40
- sporttournament42
- sporttournament44
- sporttournament46
- sporttournament48
- sporttournament50
- squfl010-025
- squfl010-025persp
- squfl010-040
- squfl010-040persp
- squfl010-080
- squfl010-080persp
- squfl015-060
- squfl015-060persp
- squfl015-080
- squfl015-080persp
- squfl020-040
- squfl020-040persp
- squfl020-050
- squfl020-050persp
- squfl020-150
- squfl020-150persp
- squfl025-025
- squfl025-025persp
- squfl025-030
- squfl025-030persp
- squfl025-040
- squfl025-040persp
- squfl030-100
- squfl030-100persp
- squfl030-150
- squfl030-150persp
- squfl040-080
- squfl040-080persp
- sssd08-04
- sssd08-04persp
- sssd12-05
- sssd12-05persp
- sssd15-04
- sssd15-04persp
- sssd15-06
- sssd15-06persp
- sssd15-08
- sssd15-08persp
- sssd16-07
- sssd16-07persp
- sssd18-06
- sssd18-06persp
- sssd18-08
- sssd18-08persp
- sssd20-04
- sssd20-04persp
- sssd20-08
- sssd20-08persp
- sssd22-08
- sssd22-08persp
- sssd25-04
- sssd25-04persp
- sssd25-08
- sssd25-08persp
- heatexch_trigen
- tspn05
- tspn08
- tspn10
- tspn12
- tspn15
- watercontamination0202
- watercontamination0202r
- watercontamination0303
- watercontamination0303r
- batchs101006m
- batchs121208m
- batchs151208m
- batchs201210m
- clay0203h
- clay0203m
- clay0204h
- clay0204m
- clay0205h
- clay0205m
- clay0303h
- clay0303m
- clay0304h
- clay0304m
- clay0305h
- clay0305m
- flay02h
- flay02m
- flay03h
- flay03m
- flay04h
- flay04m
- flay05h
- flay05m
- flay06h
- flay06m
- rsyn0805h
- rsyn0805m
- rsyn0805m02h
- rsyn0805m02m
- rsyn0805m03h
- rsyn0805m03m
- rsyn0805m04h
- rsyn0805m04m
- rsyn0810h
- rsyn0810m
- rsyn0810m02h
- rsyn0810m02m
- rsyn0810m03h
- rsyn0810m03m
- rsyn0810m04h
- rsyn0810m04m
- rsyn0815h
- rsyn0815m
- rsyn0815m02h
- rsyn0815m02m
- rsyn0815m03h
- rsyn0815m03m
- rsyn0815m04h
- rsyn0815m04m
- rsyn0820h
- rsyn0820m
- rsyn0820m02h
- rsyn0820m02m
- rsyn0820m03h
- rsyn0820m03m
- rsyn0820m04h
- rsyn0820m04m
- rsyn0830h
- rsyn0830m
- rsyn0830m02h
- rsyn0830m02m
- rsyn0830m03h
- rsyn0830m03m
- rsyn0830m04h
- rsyn0830m04m
- rsyn0840h
- rsyn0840m
- rsyn0840m02h
- rsyn0840m02m
- rsyn0840m03h
- rsyn0840m03m
- rsyn0840m04h
- rsyn0840m04m
- slay04h
- slay04m
- slay05h
- slay05m
- slay06h
- slay06m
- slay07h
- slay07m
- slay08h
- slay08m
- slay09h
- slay09m
- slay10h
- slay10m
- syn05h
- syn05m
- syn05m02h
- syn05m02m
- syn05m03h
- syn05m03m
- syn05m04h
- syn05m04m
- syn10h
- syn10m
- syn10m02h
- syn10m02m
- syn10m03h
- syn10m03m
- syn10m04h
- syn10m04m
- syn15h
- syn15m
- syn15m02h
- syn15m02m
- syn15m03h
- syn15m03m
- syn15m04h
- syn15m04m
- syn20h
- syn20m
- syn20m02h
- syn20m02m
- syn20m03h
- syn20m03m
- syn20m04h
- syn20m04m
- syn30h
- syn30m
- syn30m02h
- syn30m02m
- syn30m03h
- syn30m03m
- syn30m04h
- syn30m04m
- syn40h
- syn40m
- syn40m02h
- syn40m02m
- syn40m03h
- syn40m03m
- syn40m04h
- syn40m04m
- blend029
- blend146
- blend480
- blend531
- blend718
- blend721
- blend852
- cardqp_inlp
- cardqp_iqp
- carton7
- carton9
- casctanks
- case_1scv2
- crudeoil_lee1_05
- crudeoil_lee1_06
- crudeoil_lee1_07
- crudeoil_lee1_08
- crudeoil_lee1_09
- crudeoil_lee1_10
- crudeoil_lee2_05
- crudeoil_lee2_06
- crudeoil_lee2_07
- crudeoil_lee2_08
- crudeoil_lee2_09
- crudeoil_lee2_10
- crudeoil_lee3_05
- crudeoil_lee3_06
- crudeoil_lee3_07
- crudeoil_lee3_08
- crudeoil_lee3_09
- crudeoil_lee3_10
- crudeoil_lee4_05
- crudeoil_lee4_06
- crudeoil_lee4_07
- crudeoil_lee4_08
- crudeoil_lee4_09
- crudeoil_lee4_10
- ethanolh
- ethanolm
- genpooling_lee1
- genpooling_lee2
- genpooling_meyer04
- genpooling_meyer10
- genpooling_meyer15
- heatexch_gen1
- heatexch_gen2
- heatexch_gen3
- heatexch_spec1
- heatexch_spec2
- heatexch_spec3
- pooling_epa1
- pooling_epa2
- pooling_epa3
- sepasequ_convent
- supplychainp1_020306
- supplychainp1_022020
- supplychainp1_030510
- supplychainp1_053050
- supplychainr1_020306
- supplychainr1_022020
- supplychainr1_030510
- supplychainr1_053050
- waternd1
- waternd2
- waternd_blacksburg
- waternd_fossiron
- waternd_fosspoly0
- waternd_fosspoly1
- waternd_hanoi
- waternd_pescara
- waternd_shamir
- watertreatnd_conc
- watertreatnd_flow
- batch0812
- batch0812_nc
- batch_nc
- bchoco05
- bchoco06
- bchoco07
- bchoco08
- densitymod
- gasprod_sarawak01
- gasprod_sarawak16
- gasprod_sarawak81
- hybriddynamic_fixed
- hybriddynamic_var
- milinfract
- multiplants_mtg1a
- multiplants_mtg1b
- multiplants_mtg1c
- multiplants_mtg2
- multiplants_mtg5
- multiplants_mtg6
- multiplants_stg1
- multiplants_stg1a
- multiplants_stg1b
- multiplants_stg1c
- multiplants_stg5
- multiplants_stg6
- supplychain
- unitcommit1
- unitcommit2
- nuclear24: Duplicate of nuclear14
- nuclear24a: Duplicate of nuclear14a
- nuclear24b: Duplicate of nuclear14b
- detf1: Duplicate of saa_2
- csched1a
- csched2a
- enpro48pb
- enpro56pb
- ex3pb
- pb302035
- pb302055
- pb302075
- pb302095
- pb351535
- pb351555
- pb351575
- pb351595
- ravempb
- risk2bpb
- fo7_ar25_1
- fo7_ar2_1
- fo7_ar3_1
- fo7_ar4_1
- fo7_ar5_1
- fo8_ar25_1
- fo8_ar2_1
- fo8_ar3_1
- fo8_ar4_1
- fo8_ar5_1
- fo9_ar25_1
- fo9_ar2_1
- fo9_ar3_1
- fo9_ar4_1
- fo9_ar5_1
- m7_ar25_1
- m7_ar2_1
- m7_ar3_1
- m7_ar4_1
- m7_ar5_1
- no7_ar25_1
- no7_ar2_1
- no7_ar3_1
- no7_ar4_1
- no7_ar5_1
- o7_ar25_1
- o7_ar2_1
- o7_ar3_1
- o7_ar4_1
- o7_ar5_1
- o8_ar4_1
- o9_ar4_1
- st_bpaf1a
- st_bpaf1b
- st_bpk1
- st_bpv1
- st_bpv2
- st_bsj2
- st_bsj3
- st_bsj4
- st_cqpf
- st_cqpjk1
- st_cqpjk2
- st_e01
- st_e02
- st_e03
- st_e04
- st_e05
- st_e06
- st_e07
- st_e08
- st_e09
- st_e11
- st_e12
- st_e16
- st_e17
- st_e18
- st_e19
- st_e21
- st_e22
- st_e23
- st_e24
- st_e25
- st_e26
- st_e28
- st_e30
- st_e33
- st_e34
- st_e37
- st_e41
- st_e42
- st_fp7a
- st_fp7b
- st_fp7c
- st_fp7d
- st_fp7e
- st_fp8
- st_glmp_fp1
- st_glmp_fp2
- st_glmp_fp3
- st_glmp_kk90
- st_glmp_kk92
- st_glmp_kky
- st_glmp_ss1
- st_glmp_ss2
- st_ht
- st_iqpbk1
- st_iqpbk2
- st_jcbpaf2
- st_m1
- st_m2
- st_pan1
- st_ph1
- st_ph10
- st_ph11
- st_ph12
- st_ph13
- st_ph14
- st_ph15
- st_ph2
- st_ph20
- st_ph3
- st_phex
- st_qpc-m0
- st_qpc-m1
- st_qpc-m3a
- st_qpc-m3b
- st_qpc-m3c
- st_qpc-m4
- st_qpk1
- st_qpk2
- st_qpk3
- st_robot
- st_rv1
- st_rv2
- st_rv3
- st_rv7
- st_rv8
- st_rv9
- st_z
- st_e13
- st_e14
- st_e15
- st_e27
- st_e29
- st_e31
- st_e32
- st_e35
- st_e36
- st_e38
- st_e40
- st_miqp1
- st_miqp2
- st_miqp3
- st_miqp4
- st_miqp5
- st_test1
- st_test2
- st_test3
- st_test4
- st_test5
- st_test6
- st_test8
- st_testgr1
- st_testgr3
- st_testph4
- du-opt
- du-opt5
- eg_all_s
- eg_disc2_s
- eg_disc_s
- eg_int_s
- fuzzy
- nvs01
- nvs02
- nvs03
- nvs04
- nvs05
- nvs06
- nvs07
- nvs08
- nvs09
- nvs10
- nvs11
- nvs12
- nvs13
- nvs14
- nvs15
- nvs16
- nvs17
- nvs18
- nvs19
- nvs20
- nvs21
- nvs22
- nvs23
- nvs24
- product
- product2
- risk2b
- abel
- alkyl
- alkylation
- arki0001
- arki0002
- arki0003
- arki0004
- arki0005
- arki0006
- arki0007
- arki0008
- arki0009
- arki0010
- arki0011
- arki0012
- arki0013
- arki0014
- arki0015
- arki0016
- arki0017
- arki0018
- arki0019
- arki0020
- arki0021
- arki0022
- arki0023
- arki0024
- bayes2_10
- bayes2_20
- bayes2_30
- bayes2_50
- bearing
- btest14
- camcge
- camcns
- camshape100
- camshape200
- camshape400
- camshape800
- catmix100
- catmix200
- catmix400
- catmix800
- chain100
- chain200
- chain400
- chain50
- chakra
- chance
- chem
- chenery
- circle
- demo7
- dispatch
- elec100
- elec200
- elec25
- elec50
- etamac
- ex14_1_1
- ex14_1_2
- ex14_1_3
- ex14_1_4
- ex14_1_5
- ex14_1_6
- ex14_1_7
- ex14_1_8
- ex14_1_9
- ex14_2_1
- ex14_2_2
- ex14_2_3
- ex14_2_4
- ex14_2_5
- ex14_2_6
- ex14_2_7
- ex14_2_8
- ex14_2_9
- ex2_1_1
- ex2_1_10
- ex2_1_2
- ex2_1_3
- ex2_1_4
- ex2_1_5
- ex2_1_6
- ex2_1_7
- ex2_1_8
- ex2_1_9
- ex3_1_1
- ex3_1_2
- ex3_1_3
- ex3_1_4
- ex4_1_1
- ex4_1_2
- ex4_1_3
- ex4_1_4
- ex4_1_5
- ex4_1_6
- ex4_1_7
- ex4_1_8
- ex4_1_9
- ex5_2_2_case1
- ex5_2_2_case2
- ex5_2_2_case3
- ex5_2_4
- ex5_2_5
- ex5_3_2
- ex5_3_3
- ex5_4_2
- ex5_4_3
- ex5_4_4
- ex6_1_1
- ex6_1_2
- ex6_1_3
- ex6_1_4
- ex6_2_10
- ex6_2_11
- ex6_2_12
- ex6_2_13
- ex6_2_14
- ex6_2_5
- ex6_2_6
- ex6_2_7
- ex6_2_8
- ex6_2_9
- ex7_2_1
- ex7_2_2
- ex7_2_3
- ex7_2_4
- ex7_3_1
- ex7_3_2
- ex7_3_3
- ex7_3_4
- ex7_3_5
- ex7_3_6
- ex8_1_1
- ex8_1_2
- ex8_1_3
- ex8_1_4
- ex8_1_5
- ex8_1_6
- ex8_1_7
- ex8_2_1
- ex8_2_1a
- ex8_2_1b
- ex8_2_2
- ex8_2_2a
- ex8_2_2b
- ex8_2_3
- ex8_2_3a
- ex8_2_3b
- ex8_2_4
- ex8_2_4a
- ex8_2_4b
- ex8_2_5
- ex8_2_5a
- ex8_2_5b
- ex8_3_1
- ex8_3_10
- ex8_3_11
- ex8_3_12
- ex8_3_13
- ex8_3_14
- ex8_3_2
- ex8_3_3
- ex8_3_4
- ex8_3_5
- ex8_3_6
- ex8_3_7
- ex8_3_8
- ex8_3_9
- ex8_4_1
- ex8_4_2
- ex8_4_3
- ex8_4_4
- ex8_4_5
- ex8_4_6
- ex8_4_7
- ex8_4_8
- ex8_4_8_bnd
- ex8_5_1
- ex8_5_2
- ex8_5_3
- ex8_5_4
- ex8_5_5
- ex8_5_6
- ex8_6_1
- ex8_6_2
- ex9_1_1
- ex9_1_2
- ex9_1_4
- ex9_1_5
- ex9_1_8
- ex9_2_2
- ex9_2_3
- ex9_2_4
- ex9_2_5
- ex9_2_6
- ex9_2_7
- ex9_2_8
- fct
- filter
- flowchan100
- flowchan200
- flowchan400
- flowchan50
- gancns
- ganges
- gasoil100
- gasoil200
- gasoil400
- gasoil50
- glider100
- glider200
- glider400
- glider50
- gtm
- harker
- haverly
- hhfair
- himmel16
- house
- hs62
- hydro
- immun
- jbearing100
- jbearing25
- jbearing50
- jbearing75
- korcge
- korcns
- launch
- least
- like
- linear
- lnts100
- lnts200
- lnts400
- lnts50
- mathopt1
- mathopt2
- mathopt3
- mathopt4
- maxmin
- meanvar
- methanol100
- methanol200
- methanol400
- methanol50
- mhw4d
- minlphi
- minsurf100
- minsurf25
- minsurf50
- minsurf75
- nemhaus
- otpop
- pindyck
- pinene100
- pinene200
- pinene50
- pollut
- polygon100
- polygon25
- polygon50
- polygon75
- popdynm100
- popdynm200
- popdynm25
- popdynm50
- prob06
- prob07
- prob09
- process
- prolog
- qp1
- qp2
- qp3
- qp4
- qp5
- ramsey
- rbrock
- robot100
- robot200
- robot400
- robot50
- rocket100
- rocket200
- rocket400
- rocket50
- sambal
- sample
- ship
- srcpm
- torsion100
- torsion25
- torsion50
- torsion75
- trig
- turkey
- wall
- water
- weapons
- worst
- 4stufen
- alan
- batch
- batchdes
- beuster
- cecil_13
- contvar
- csched1
- csched2
- deb10
- deb6
- deb7
- deb8
- deb9
- detf1
- dosemin2d
- dosemin3d
- elf
- enpro48
- enpro56
- ex1221
- ex1222
- ex1223
- ex1223a
- ex1223b
- ex1224
- ex1225
- ex1226
- ex1233
- ex1243
- ex1244
- ex1252
- ex1252a
- ex1263
- ex1263a
- ex1264
- ex1264a
- ex1265
- ex1265a
- ex1266
- ex1266a
- ex3
- ex4
- fac1
- fac2
- fac3
- feedtray
- feedtray2
- fuel
- gasnet
- gastrans
- gbd
- gear
- gear2
- gear3
- gear4
- gkocis
- hda
- hmittelman
- johnall
- meanvarx
- meanvarxsc
- minlphix
- nous1
- nous2
- nuclear104
- nuclear10a
- nuclear10b
- nuclear14
- nuclear14a
- nuclear14b
- nuclear24
- nuclear24a
- nuclear24b
- nuclear25
- nuclear25a
- nuclear25b
- nuclear49
- nuclear49a
- nuclear49b
- nuclearva
- nuclearvb
- nuclearvc
- nuclearvd
- nuclearve
- nuclearvf
- oaer
- oil
- oil2
- ortez
- parallel
- procsel
- pump
- qap
- qapw
- ravem
- saa_2
- sep1
- space25
- space25a
- space960
- spectra2
- spring
- stockcycle
- synheat
- synthes1
- synthes2
- synthes3
- tln12
- tln2
- tln4
- tln5
- tln6
- tln7
- tloss
- tls12
- tls2
- tls4
- tls5
- tls6
- tls7
- tltr
- util
- var_con10
- var_con5
- waste
- water3
- water4
- waterful2
- waters
- watersbp
- watersym1
- watersym2
- waterx
- waterz
- windfac
Last updated: 2025-02-06 Git hash: 0ae7ca2b