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ex2_1_8 - point p2

Solution found by IPOPTH
Formats gdx sol
Added to library 15 Aug 2014
Objective Value 15639.000000
Infeasibility 2.821e-10

Variables with value 0.0 are omitted in the following.
x1                                6.000000000215680
x2                                1.999999999849850
x6                                2.999999999803550
x8                               21.000000000282100
x9                               20.000000000151299
x14                              24.000000000211799
x17                               2.999999999772440
x19                              13.000000000266599
x22                              12.000000000152101
objvar                        15638.999999802299499

Last updated: 2024-08-26 Git hash: 6cc1607f
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