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ex8_6_1 - point p2

Solution found by IPOPTH
Formats gdx sol
Added to library 15 Aug 2014
Objective Value -28.422532
Infeasibility 3.373e-13

Variables with value 0.0 are omitted in the following.
x2                                0.977803812543862
x3                               -0.384019023108849
x4                                0.497092468134303
x5                               -0.328083611596287
x6                                0.452647297035869
x7                               -0.384019023108840
x8                                0.452647297035865
x9                               -0.960885342138639
x10                               0.497092468134306
x13                               0.899238392038422
x14                               0.752805797138777
x15                               0.400415024195217
x16                               0.685497228607632
x17                              -0.581565333091744
x18                              -0.851534125899969
x19                               0.081849266027010
x20                              -0.144464964345890
x24                              -0.448917934180506
x25                              -0.864507810208301
x26                               0.535193514935751
x27                              -0.685865474464024
x28                              -0.176714971877890
x29                              -0.176714971878692
x30                              -0.864507810208318
x31                               1.045915375579710
x32                               1.045915375579700
x33                               0.984887102701815
x34                               0.984887102701840
x35                               1.040335769049030
x36                               1.045915375579680
x37                               1.040335769049030
x38                               1.040335769049040
x39                               0.984887102701815
x40                               0.375489386381859
x41                               1.000673176382900
x42                               0.382694858428665
x43                               0.968872158011755
x44                               0.375489386381859
x45                               0.968872158011752
x46                               0.263404446697457
x47                               1.000673176382900
x48                               1.000673176382920
x49                               1.000673176382920
x50                               0.968872158011744
x51                               0.375489386381845
x52                               0.263404446697451
x53                               0.968872158011757
x54                               0.382694858428666
x55                               1.022693816664710
x56                               1.025660843603560
x57                               0.382694858428664
x58                               0.377361849146836
x59                               0.377361849146945
x60                               1.022693816664730
x61                               0.377361849146838
x62                               1.000673176382910
x63                               0.377361849146838
x64                               1.025660843604490
x65                               1.022693816664710
x66                               0.263404446697448
x67                               0.348519601160467
x68                               0.348519601160353
x69                               0.377361849146837
x70                               0.968872158011756
x71                               0.968872158012479
x72                               1.000673176382930
x73                               0.348519601160499
x74                               1.025660843603560
x75                               0.377361849147009
objvar                          -28.422531893437700

Last updated: 2025-02-06 Git hash: 0ae7ca2b
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