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kall_ellipsoids_tc02b - point p2

Solution found by COUENNE
Formats gdx sol
Added to library 26 Apr 2016
Objective Value 32.400000
Infeasibility 1.008e-10

Variables with value 0.0 are omitted in the following.
objvar                           32.399999996048898
x2                               -1.999999999995340
x3                               -0.000002097569575
x4                                0.000000004435949
x5                               -0.000002796759875
x6                                1.499999999992840
x7                                0.000001298433120
x8                               -0.000000008871442
x9                                0.000001947649398
x10                              -0.999999999997245
x11                               0.000000000061913
x12                              -0.000000331359699
x13                              -0.699999999997706
x14                               1.499999999996160
x15                               0.000000908462908
x16                               0.000000000032862
x17                               0.000001362694163
x18                              -0.999999999994170
x19                               0.000000231951751
x20                              -2.699999999901960
x21                               0.000000000000017
x22                               0.000000000098531
x23                               0.250000000002406
x24                              -0.000000271907333
x25                              -0.000000003325782
x26                              -0.000000271907333
x27                               0.444444444448284
x28                              -0.000000721351633
x29                              -0.000000003325782
x30                              -0.000000721351633
x31                               0.999999999999063
x32                               2.040816326530500
x33                              -0.000000000065578
x34                              -0.000000344884585
x35                              -0.000000000065578
x36                               0.444444444451750
x37                              -0.000000504701404
x38                              -0.000000344884585
x39                              -0.000000504701404
x40                               1.000000000010820
x41                              -1.000000000000000
x42                              -0.000001398379717
x43                               0.000000004435949
x44                              -0.000001398379937
x45                               1.000000000000000
x46                               0.000001298433120
x47                              -0.000000004435721
x48                               0.000001298432932
x49                              -1.000000000000000
x50                               0.000000000041276
x51                              -0.000000331359699
x52                              -1.000000000000000
x53                               1.000000000000000
x54                               0.000000908462908
x55                               0.000000000046946
x56                               0.000000908462775
x57                              -1.000000000000000
x58                               0.000000331359645
x59                              -1.000000000000000
x60                               0.000000000000004
x61                              -0.000000000006822
x62                               1.000000000000000
x63                               0.000000000001955
x64                               0.000000000002701
x65                               0.000001398379937
x66                              -0.000001398379717
x67                              -0.000000000000221
x68                               0.000000004435721
x69                              -0.000000000001816
x70                              -0.000000004433905
x71                               0.000000000001955
x72                               1.000000000000000
x73                               0.000000000007596
x74                               0.000000000000006
x75                               0.000001298432932
x76                              -0.000001298432938
x77                               0.000000000000000
x78                               0.000000000001686
x79                               1.000000000000000
x80                               0.000000000000000
x81                               0.000000000000110
x82                               1.000000000000000
x83                               0.000000000041276
x84                              -0.000000000000301
x85                              -0.000000000040975
x86                               0.000000000000000
x87                               0.000000331359699
x88                              -0.000000331359699
x89                               1.000000000000000
x90                               0.000000000000825
x91                               0.000000000004290
x92                               0.000000908462775
x93                              -0.000000908462908
x94                               0.000000000000133
x95                               0.000000000000825
x96                               1.000000000000000
x97                               0.000000000010834
x98                              32.399999996048898
x99                               0.666666666666667
x100                              0.499999999999171
x101                              0.333333333333333
x102                              0.666666666666667
x103                              1.428571428571430
x104                              0.952380952379971
x105                              5.399999999704320
x106                              2.999999999798430
x107                              2.000000000000000
x108                              1.999999999899190
x109                              1.499999999899210
x110                              1.000000000000000
x111                              4.699999999801150
x112                              1.499999999899200
x113                              0.999999999901469
x117                              3.999999999801150
x120                              3.999999999896710
x121                              2.999999999896730
x122                              2.000000000000000
x123                              5.399999999801150
x124                              2.999999999896400
x125                              1.999999999900440

Last updated: 2025-02-06 Git hash: 0ae7ca2b
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