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lakes - point p1

Solution found by CONOPT
Formats gdx sol
Added to library 07 Feb 2017
Objective Value 350.524794
Infeasibility 5.997e-11

Variables with value 0.0 are omitted in the following.
x1                                4.560331592670210
x2                                2.741114304031850
x3                               20.687930767737100
x4                                4.663648158523330
x5                                2.929684349268190
x6                               20.317730894040899
x7                                4.588958017381180
x8                                2.946737298198390
x9                               20.439982845248100
x10                               4.497222146611020
x11                               2.751287256011850
x12                              20.612658257764799
x13                               4.682792889484040
x14                               2.805874766583650
x15                              20.604384644189700
x16                               4.695813452068470
x17                               2.821636913371640
x18                              20.624394113484200
x19                          202969.369382984004915
x20                             152.139959362870002
x21                          277950.180300279986113
x22                             188.792976024203000
x23                            2638.279607330449835
x24                             192.628473235119003
x25                           60019.402420227699622
x26                             204.354989954284008
x27                           19561.177832870598650
x28                             247.403154599552010
x29                              32.419210868243098
x30                              30.139045071769001
x31                          202795.229423621989554
x32                              58.458614556075901
x33                          277912.527283618983347
x34                             189.391838431172999
x35                            2637.444110119539801
x36                             196.751035890540010
x37                           59980.475903508500778
x38                             196.396243221092988
x39                           19569.629668225301430
x40                             215.975486374240006
x41                              32.289239322709697
x42                              29.957415243309100
x43                          202780.770809065987123
x44                              74.000819561331596
x45                          277943.594059743976686
x46                             189.057468172883006
x47                            2638.084912660170176
x48                             199.162231469364002
x49                           59993.330696178003564
x50                             199.005411843215001
x51                           19603.550425072200596
x52                             198.626061302061004
x53                              32.391199152276002
x54                              30.096720143446500
x55                          202695.769989504013211
x56                              51.855979506931298
x57                          277888.537411132012494
x58                             186.365844657547996
x59                            2637.980149363690089
x60                             192.152800731364010
x61                           60011.487515804103168
x62                             202.722771198796011
x63                           19642.929775613298261
x64                             190.949285688726007
x65                              32.322556587221101
x66                              30.073945513776700
x67                          202767.914009997009998
x68                              40.271625170462997
x69                          278000.027545981982257
x70                             191.812345667420004
x71                            2638.193193289870123
x72                             194.647796233440999
x73                           60010.617545336703188
x74                             202.543800537124014
x75                           19671.903261123399716
x76                             242.638024565326987
x77                              32.461655855654399
x78                              30.120259410773500
x79                          202854.642384826991474
x80                             -36.726998157651600
x81                          278023.486825485015288
x82                             192.579527046824012
x83                            2638.357742723850151
x84                             195.657662440223987
x85                           60012.721541033002723
x86                             202.976783245529987
x87                           19662.009037095198437
x88                             327.007987470136982
x89                              32.503937753029099
x90                              30.156031026855800
objvar                          350.524794101714974

Last updated: 2025-02-06 Git hash: 0ae7ca2b
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