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multiplants_mtg2 - point p1

Solution found by ANTIGONE
Formats gdx sol
Added to library 26 Sep 2013
Objective Value 6948.175275
Infeasibility 1.863e-09

Variables with value 0.0 are omitted in the following.
b9                                1.000000000000000
b19                               1.000000000000000
b28                               1.000000000000000
b42                               1.000000000000000
b59                               1.000000000000000
b62                               1.000000000000000
b77                               1.000000000000000
b96                               1.000000000000000
x113                          40001.792367582602310
x119                          40001.792367582602310
x123                          36001.613130824400287
x126                          36001.613130824400287
x132                         735940.325802615028806
x133                         735940.325802615028806
x138                          30001.344275686999026
x144                          30001.344275686999026
x179                             50.825966227391099
x180                            550.209198360160030
x181                             79.620465628785297
x182                            581.117425593358007
x183                            107.487341099549994
x184                            628.833311635842051
x185                             40.825966227391099
x186                            549.209198360160030
x187                             75.620465628785297
x188                            578.117425593358007
x189                            106.487341099549994
x190                            616.833311635842051
x191                            656.696539459710038
x192                            654.696539459710038
x193                          40001.792367582602310
x194                          36001.613130824400287
x195                         735940.325802615028806
x196                          30001.344275686999026
x198                            581.117425593358007
x199                             79.620465628785396
x200                            550.209198360160030
x201                            107.487341099549994
x203                             50.825966227391099
x204                            628.833311635842051
x205                             40.825966227391099
x206                            616.833311635842051
x207                            106.487341099549994
x208                            578.117425593358007
x209                            656.696539459710038
x210                            549.209198360160030
x211                             75.620465628785297
x212                            654.696539459710038
x213                             60.000000000000000
x214                             54.000000000000000
x215                           1103.861025585970083
x216                             45.000000000000000
x217                            979.812508166541988
x218                           1120.000000000000000
x219                           1340.000000000000000
x220                           1290.000000000000000
x221                           1340.000000000000000
x222                           1340.000000000000000
x223                           1210.000000000000000
x224                           1160.000000000000000
x225                             35.715886042484499
x226                             27.908227233197199
x227                            549.209198360160030
x228                             25.863227823868101
x229                            666.696539459710038
objvar                         6948.175274667730264

Last updated: 2025-02-06 Git hash: 0ae7ca2b
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