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p_ball_30b_7p_2d_m - point p1

Solution found by ANTIGONE
Formats gdx sol
Added to library 26 Aug 2020
Objective Value 13.933776
Infeasibility 3.504e-16

Variables with value 0.0 are omitted in the following.
b30                               1.000000000000000
b34                               1.000000000000000
b80                               1.000000000000000
b112                              1.000000000000000
b136                              1.000000000000000
b174                              1.000000000000000
b193                              1.000000000000000
x211                              7.550763162152140
x212                              8.627308707784620
x213                              1.076545545632480
x214                              3.964995134556530
x215                              3.964995134556530
x217                              8.627308707784620
x218                              1.076545545632480
x219                              3.964995134556530
x221                              8.627308707784620
x222                              1.076545545632480
x223                              3.964995134556530
x225                              8.627308707784620
x226                              1.076545545632480
x227                              3.964995134556530
x229                              8.627308707784620
x230                              1.076545545632480
x231                              2.747207722163670
x232                              1.217787412392870
x233                              8.655271702277121
x234                              1.104508540124980
x235                              3.964995134556530
x244                              1.217787412392870
x245                              0.027962994492497
x252                              1.217787412392870
x253                              0.027962994492497
x258                              1.217787412392870
x259                              0.027962994492497
x262                              1.217787412392870
x263                              0.027962994492497
x265                              0.027962994492497
x266                              1.217787412392870
objvar                           13.933775715107100

Last updated: 2025-02-06 Git hash: 0ae7ca2b
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