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polygon25 - point p2

Solution found by IPOPTH
Formats gdx sol
Added to library 15 Aug 2014
Objective Value -0.779741
Infeasibility 4.441e-16

Variables with value 0.0 are omitted in the following.
x1                                0.133710392409436
x2                                0.275354002885996
x3                                0.410114050507912
x4                                0.528061010588907
x5                                0.635427902910263
x6                                0.731607574807898
x7                                0.815057973171080
x8                                0.884056978091827
x9                                0.935756905760568
x10                               0.959450280631321
x11                               0.983158956532468
x12                               1.000000000000000
x13                               1.000000000000000
x14                               0.983158929196306
x15                               0.959450251993153
x16                               0.935756750652352
x17                               0.884056788432395
x18                               0.815057702179502
x19                               0.731607273869298
x20                               0.635427597745884
x21                               0.528060643695252
x22                               0.410113616041470
x23                               0.275353732131660
x24                               0.133710356119501
x26                               0.104439690711499
x27                               0.241934597308495
x28                               0.393407287448250
x29                               0.527502263961037
x30                               0.659353688161138
x31                               0.790893212129006
x32                               0.922309474920822
x33                               1.053121559627980
x34                               1.179616935778450
x35                               1.267067331477370
x36                               1.352378130244160
x37                               1.478347594397100
x38                               1.608330918008020
x39                               1.734300553765790
x40                               1.819611269340990
x41                               1.907062047633760
x42                               2.033557371144750
x43                               2.164369519885020
x44                               2.295785772844200
x45                               2.427325244734640
x46                               2.559176691642010
x47                               2.693271731072490
x48                               2.844744188266730
x49                               2.982238839879280
x50                               3.141592653589790
objvar                           -0.779740540730315

Last updated: 2025-02-06 Git hash: 0ae7ca2b
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