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pooling_digabel16 - point p1

Solution found by SCIP
Formats gdx sol
Added to library 18 Aug 2018
Objective Value -2410.687687
Infeasibility 3.553e-15

Variables with value 0.0 are omitted in the following.
objvar                        -2410.687686546480109
x28                               0.281435999232216
x47                               1.424050000000000
x62                               1.424050000000000
x63                               1.202530000000000
x65                               1.522364000767780
x66                               0.854430000000000
x94                               1.424050000000000
x104                              4.399522599151730
x143                              4.759360000000000
x144                              0.855615000000000
x145                              0.855615000000000
x146                              3.902822585986660
x147                              3.982064385510550
x148                              3.795810121287470
x149                              0.855615000000000
x150                              0.481283000000000
x151                              0.855615000000000
x152                              3.316320000000000
x153                              1.530610000000000
x154                              1.530610000000000
x155                              2.602040000000000
x156                              1.734690000000000
x157                              2.271614915609200
x158                              1.734690000000000
x159                              4.387760000000000
x160                              1.530610000000000
x161                              2.378380000000000
x162                              0.756757000000000
x163                              1.437837600000000
x164                              3.659833739887400
x165                              1.135140000000000
x166                              4.162160000000000
x167                              0.756757000000000
x168                              1.297300000000000
x169                              0.756757000000000

Last updated: 2025-02-06 Git hash: 0ae7ca2b
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