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qap - point p1

Solution from the QAPLIB website
Formats gdx sol
Added to library 01 May 2001
Objective Value 388214.000000
Infeasibility 0

Variables with value 0.0 are omitted in the following.
b5                                1.000000000000000
b25                               1.000000000000000
b34                               1.000000000000000
b58                               1.000000000000000
b62                               1.000000000000000
b84                               1.000000000000000
b91                               1.000000000000000
b116                              1.000000000000000
b132                              1.000000000000000
b149                              1.000000000000000
b157                              1.000000000000000
b180                              1.000000000000000
b183                              1.000000000000000
b203                              1.000000000000000
b216                              1.000000000000000
objvar                       388214.000000000000000

Last updated: 2024-06-06 Git hash: 28e1e240
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