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ringpack_30_1 - point p3

Solution found by LINDO
Formats gdx sol
Added to library 16 May 2020
Objective Value -35.961343
Infeasibility 2.842e-14

Variables with value 0.0 are omitted in the following.
objvar                          -35.961343357053700
b25                               1.000000000000000
b26                               1.000000000000000
b29                               1.000000000000000
b30                               1.000000000000000
b31                               1.000000000000000
b65                               1.000000000000000
b85                               1.000000000000000
b168                              1.000000000000000
b190                              1.000000000000000
b212                              1.000000000000000
b234                              1.000000000000000
b256                              1.000000000000000
b278                              1.000000000000000
b300                              1.000000000000000
b322                              1.000000000000000
b346                              1.000000000000000
b360                              1.000000000000000
b370                              1.000000000000000
x375                              0.948167158383970
x376                              1.459097835917290
x377                              0.948167158383970
x378                              1.880268202372260
x379                              0.948167158383970
x380                              5.024997613982340
x381                              0.948167158383970
x382                              4.957791583835600
x383                              0.948167158383970
x384                              7.945173810742930
x385                              0.948167158383970
x386                              1.003335018671690
x387                              0.948167158383970
x388                              1.374416440224720
x389                              0.948167158383970
x390                              2.731837324979280
x391                              0.948167158383970
x392                              3.619680332807640
x393                              0.948167158383970
x394                              1.003335018671690
x395                              0.820550729943042
x396                              2.189531216643050
x397                              1.378033186062940
x398                              1.791305724798880
x399                              1.378033186062940
x400                              0.494594287792980
x401                              1.398971071618650
x402                              2.556682608886610
x403                              1.599404127093350
x404                              1.142950006295930
x405                              2.050211179490610
x406                              0.627059288452450
x407                              2.050211179490610
x408                              1.658840724139410
x409                              2.050211179490610
x410                              2.343946724139410
x411                              0.856170000000000
x412                              3.931383443684620
x413                              2.125259480219430
x414                              9.008209254560450
x415                              2.125259480219430
x416                              4.168827613982340
x417                              2.125259480219430
x418                              0.856170000000000
x419                              2.125259480219430
x420                              5.881167613982340
x421                              1.524260000000000
x422                              8.475740000000000
x423                              1.524260000000000
x424                              1.524260000000000
x425                              5.649165969931440
x426                              5.580819430210920
x427                              5.649165969931440
x428                              6.620617683563970
x429                              1.932130000000000
x430                              5.043499639069550
x431                              5.722335990710530
x432                              5.796390000000000
x433                              5.722335990710530
x434                              1.932130000000000

Last updated: 2025-02-06 Git hash: 0ae7ca2b
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