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Instance transswitch0014p

Optimal Transmission Switching problem modeled using trigonometric functions (polar coordinates)
Formats ams gms mod nl osil py
Primal Bounds (infeas ≤ 1e-08)
8593.46452000 p1 ( gdx sol )
(infeas: 7e-15)
8082.58169000 p2 ( gdx sol )
(infeas: 1e-10)
Other points (infeas > 1e-08)  
Dual Bounds
0.00000000 (COUENNE)
0.00000000 (LINDO)
0.00000000 (SCIP)
0.00000000 (SHOT)
References Hijazi, H L, Coffrin, C, and Van Hentenryck, P, Convex Quadratic Relaxations of Nonlinear Programs in Power Systems, Tech. Rep. 2013-09, Optimization Online, 2013.
Application Electricity Networks
Added to library 11 Mar 2014
Problem type MBNLP
#Variables 138
#Binary Variables 20
#Integer Variables 0
#Nonlinear Variables 133
#Nonlinear Binary Variables 20
#Nonlinear Integer Variables 0
Objective Sense min
Objective type quadratic
Objective curvature convex
#Nonzeros in Objective 5
#Nonlinear Nonzeros in Objective 5
#Constraints 277
#Linear Constraints 157
#Quadratic Constraints 40
#Polynomial Constraints 0
#Signomial Constraints 0
#General Nonlinear Constraints 80
Operands in Gen. Nonlin. Functions cos mul sin sqr
Constraints curvature indefinite
#Nonzeros in Jacobian 859
#Nonlinear Nonzeros in Jacobian 480
#Nonzeros in (Upper-Left) Hessian of Lagrangian 461
#Nonzeros in Diagonal of Hessian of Lagrangian 113
#Blocks in Hessian of Lagrangian 86
Minimal blocksize in Hessian of Lagrangian 1
Maximal blocksize in Hessian of Lagrangian 48
Average blocksize in Hessian of Lagrangian 1.546512
#Semicontinuities 0
#Nonlinear Semicontinuities 0
#SOS type 1 0
#SOS type 2 0
Minimal coefficient 1.0000e+00
Maximal coefficient 4.0000e+03
Infeasibility of initial point 0.942
Sparsity Jacobian Sparsity of Objective Gradient and Jacobian
Sparsity Hessian of Lagrangian Sparsity of Hessian of Lagrangian

*  Equation counts
*      Total        E        G        L        N        X        C        B
*        278      110       64      104        0        0        0        0
*  Variable counts
*                   x        b        i      s1s      s2s       sc       si
*      Total     cont   binary  integer     sos1     sos2    scont     sint
*        139      119       20        0        0        0        0        0
*  FX      0
*  Nonzero counts
*      Total    const       NL      DLL
*        865      380      485        0
*  Solve m using MINLP minimizing objvar;

Variables  x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9,x10,x11,x12,x13,x14,x15,x16,x17,x18,x19

Binary Variables  b109,b110,b111,b112,b113,b114,b115,b116,b117,b118,b119,b120

Equations  e1,e2,e3,e4,e5,e6,e7,e8,e9,e10,e11,e12,e13,e14,e15,e16,e17,e18,e19

e1.. 430.293*sqr(x129) + 2000*x129 + 2500*sqr(x130) + 2000*x130 + 100*sqr(x131)
      + 4000*x131 + 100*sqr(x132) + 4000*x132 + 100*sqr(x133) + 4000*x133
      - objvar =E= 0;

e2.. -(1.1350191923074*sqr(x2) - 1.1350191923074*x2*x3*cos(x96 - x97) + 
     4.78186315175772*x2*x3*sin(x96 - x97))*b109 + x15 =E= 0;

e3.. -(1.1350191923074*sqr(x3) - 1.1350191923074*x3*x2*cos(x97 - x96) + 
     4.78186315175772*x3*x2*sin(x97 - x96))*b109 + x16 =E= 0;

e4.. -9.09008271975275*x7*x9*sin(x101 - x103)*b110 + x17 =E= 0;

e5.. -9.09008271975275*x9*x7*sin(x103 - x101)*b110 + x18 =E= 0;

e6.. -(1.8808847537004*sqr(x10) - 1.8808847537004*x10*x11*cos(x104 - x105) + 
     4.40294374946052*x10*x11*sin(x104 - x105))*b111 + x19 =E= 0;

e7.. -(1.8808847537004*sqr(x11) - 1.8808847537004*x11*x10*cos(x105 - x104) + 
     4.40294374946052*x11*x10*sin(x105 - x104))*b111 + x20 =E= 0;

e8.. -4.78194338179036*x4*x7*sin(x98 - x101)*b112 + x21 =E= 0;

e9.. -4.78194338179036*x7*x4*sin(x101 - x98)*b112 + x22 =E= 0;

e10.. -3.96793905245615*x5*x6*sin(x99 - x100)*b113 + x23 =E= 0;

e11.. -3.96793905245615*x6*x5*sin(x100 - x99)*b113 + x24 =E= 0;

e12.. -(1.42400548701993*sqr(x9) - 1.42400548701993*x9*x14*cos(x103 - x108) + 
      3.0290504569306*x9*x14*sin(x103 - x108))*b114 + x25 =E= 0;

e13.. -(1.42400548701993*sqr(x14) - 1.42400548701993*x14*x9*cos(x108 - x103) + 
      3.0290504569306*x14*x9*sin(x108 - x103))*b114 + x26 =E= 0;

e14.. -(6.84098066149567*sqr(x4) - 6.84098066149567*x4*x5*cos(x98 - x99) + 
      21.5785539816916*x4*x5*sin(x98 - x99))*b115 + x27 =E= 0;

e15.. -(6.84098066149567*sqr(x5) - 6.84098066149567*x5*x4*cos(x99 - x98) + 
      21.5785539816916*x5*x4*sin(x99 - x98))*b115 + x28 =E= 0;

e16.. -(3.09892740383799*sqr(x6) - 3.09892740383799*x6*x13*cos(x100 - x107) + 
      6.10275544819311*x6*x13*sin(x100 - x107))*b116 + x29 =E= 0;

e17.. -(3.09892740383799*sqr(x13) - 3.09892740383799*x13*x6*cos(x107 - x100) + 
      6.10275544819311*x13*x6*sin(x107 - x100))*b116 + x30 =E= 0;

e18.. -5.67697984672154*x7*x8*sin(x101 - x102)*b117 + x31 =E= 0;

e19.. -5.67697984672154*x8*x7*sin(x102 - x101)*b117 + x32 =E= 0;

e20.. -(1.13699415780633*sqr(x13) - 1.13699415780633*x13*x14*cos(x107 - x108)
       + 2.31496347510535*x13*x14*sin(x107 - x108))*b118 + x33 =E= 0;

e21.. -(1.13699415780633*sqr(x14) - 1.13699415780633*x14*x13*cos(x108 - x107)
       + 2.31496347510535*x14*x13*sin(x108 - x107))*b118 + x34 =E= 0;

e22.. -(1.52596744045097*sqr(x6) - 1.52596744045097*x6*x12*cos(x100 - x106) + 
      3.1759639650294*x6*x12*sin(x100 - x106))*b119 + x35 =E= 0;

e23.. -(1.52596744045097*sqr(x12) - 1.52596744045097*x12*x6*cos(x106 - x100) + 
      3.1759639650294*x12*x6*sin(x106 - x100))*b119 + x36 =E= 0;

e24.. -(1.95502856317726*sqr(x6) - 1.95502856317726*x6*x11*cos(x100 - x105) + 
      4.09407434424044*x6*x11*sin(x100 - x105))*b120 + x37 =E= 0;

e25.. -(1.95502856317726*sqr(x11) - 1.95502856317726*x11*x6*cos(x105 - x100) + 
      4.09407434424044*x11*x6*sin(x105 - x100))*b120 + x38 =E= 0;

e26.. -(2.48902458682192*sqr(x12) - 2.48902458682192*x12*x13*cos(x106 - x107)
       + 2.25197462617221*x12*x13*sin(x106 - x107))*b121 + x39 =E= 0;

e27.. -(2.48902458682192*sqr(x13) - 2.48902458682192*x13*x12*cos(x107 - x106)
       + 2.25197462617221*x13*x12*sin(x107 - x106))*b121 + x40 =E= 0;

e28.. -(1.02589745497019*sqr(x1) - 1.02589745497019*x1*x5*cos(x95 - x99) + 
      4.23498368233483*x1*x5*sin(x95 - x99))*b122 + x41 =E= 0;

e29.. -(1.02589745497019*sqr(x5) - 1.02589745497019*x5*x1*cos(x99 - x95) + 
      4.23498368233483*x5*x1*sin(x99 - x95))*b122 + x42 =E= 0;

e30.. -(3.90204955244743*sqr(x9) - 3.90204955244743*x9*x10*cos(x103 - x104) + 
      10.3653941270609*x9*x10*sin(x103 - x104))*b123 + x43 =E= 0;

e31.. -(3.90204955244743*sqr(x10) - 3.90204955244743*x10*x9*cos(x104 - x103) + 
      10.3653941270609*x10*x9*sin(x104 - x103))*b123 + x44 =E= 0;

e32.. -(4.99913160079803*sqr(x1) - 4.99913160079803*x1*x2*cos(x95 - x96) + 
      15.2630865231796*x1*x2*sin(x95 - x96))*b124 + x45 =E= 0;

e33.. -(4.99913160079803*sqr(x2) - 4.99913160079803*x2*x1*cos(x96 - x95) + 
      15.2630865231796*x2*x1*sin(x96 - x95))*b124 + x46 =E= 0;

e34.. -(1.7011396670944*sqr(x2) - 1.7011396670944*x2*x5*cos(x96 - x99) + 
      5.19392739796971*x2*x5*sin(x96 - x99))*b125 + x47 =E= 0;

e35.. -(1.7011396670944*sqr(x5) - 1.7011396670944*x5*x2*cos(x99 - x96) + 
      5.19392739796971*x5*x2*sin(x99 - x96))*b125 + x48 =E= 0;

e36.. -(1.98597570992556*sqr(x3) - 1.98597570992556*x3*x4*cos(x97 - x98) + 
      5.06881697759392*x3*x4*sin(x97 - x98))*b126 + x49 =E= 0;

e37.. -(1.98597570992556*sqr(x4) - 1.98597570992556*x4*x3*cos(x98 - x97) + 
      5.06881697759392*x4*x3*sin(x98 - x97))*b126 + x50 =E= 0;

e38.. -1.79797907152361*x4*x9*sin(x98 - x103)*b127 + x51 =E= 0;

e39.. -1.79797907152361*x9*x4*sin(x103 - x98)*b127 + x52 =E= 0;

e40.. -(1.68603315061494*sqr(x2) - 1.68603315061494*x2*x4*cos(x96 - x98) + 
      5.11583832587208*x2*x4*sin(x96 - x98))*b128 + x53 =E= 0;

e41.. -(1.68603315061494*sqr(x4) - 1.68603315061494*x4*x2*cos(x98 - x96) + 
      5.11583832587208*x4*x2*sin(x98 - x96))*b128 + x54 =E= 0;

e42.. -(4.75996315175772*sqr(x2) - 4.78186315175772*x2*x3*cos(x96 - x97) - 
      1.1350191923074*x2*x3*sin(x96 - x97))*b109 + x55 =E= 0;

e43.. -(4.75996315175772*sqr(x3) - 4.78186315175772*x3*x2*cos(x97 - x96) - 
      1.1350191923074*x3*x2*sin(x97 - x96))*b109 + x56 =E= 0;

e44.. -(9.09008271975275*sqr(x7) - 9.09008271975275*x7*x9*cos(x101 - x103))*
      b110 + x57 =E= 0;

e45.. -(9.09008271975275*sqr(x9) - 9.09008271975275*x9*x7*cos(x103 - x101))*
      b110 + x58 =E= 0;

e46.. -(4.40294374946052*sqr(x10) - 4.40294374946052*x10*x11*cos(x104 - x105)
       - 1.8808847537004*x10*x11*sin(x104 - x105))*b111 + x59 =E= 0;

e47.. -(4.40294374946052*sqr(x11) - 4.40294374946052*x11*x10*cos(x105 - x104)
       - 1.8808847537004*x11*x10*sin(x105 - x104))*b111 + x60 =E= 0;

e48.. -(4.78194338179036*sqr(x4) - 4.78194338179036*x4*x7*cos(x98 - x101))*b112
       + x61 =E= 0;

e49.. -(4.78194338179036*sqr(x7) - 4.78194338179036*x7*x4*cos(x101 - x98))*b112
       + x62 =E= 0;

e50.. -(3.96793905245615*sqr(x5) - 3.96793905245615*x5*x6*cos(x99 - x100))*b113
       + x63 =E= 0;

e51.. -(3.96793905245615*sqr(x6) - 3.96793905245615*x6*x5*cos(x100 - x99))*b113
       + x64 =E= 0;

e52.. -(3.0290504569306*sqr(x9) - 3.0290504569306*x9*x14*cos(x103 - x108) - 
      1.42400548701993*x9*x14*sin(x103 - x108))*b114 + x65 =E= 0;

e53.. -(3.0290504569306*sqr(x14) - 3.0290504569306*x14*x9*cos(x108 - x103) - 
      1.42400548701993*x14*x9*sin(x108 - x103))*b114 + x66 =E= 0;

e54.. -(21.5785539816916*sqr(x4) - 21.5785539816916*x4*x5*cos(x98 - x99) - 
      6.84098066149567*x4*x5*sin(x98 - x99))*b115 + x67 =E= 0;

e55.. -(21.5785539816916*sqr(x5) - 21.5785539816916*x5*x4*cos(x99 - x98) - 
      6.84098066149567*x5*x4*sin(x99 - x98))*b115 + x68 =E= 0;

e56.. -(6.10275544819311*sqr(x6) - 6.10275544819311*x6*x13*cos(x100 - x107) - 
      3.09892740383799*x6*x13*sin(x100 - x107))*b116 + x69 =E= 0;

e57.. -(6.10275544819311*sqr(x13) - 6.10275544819311*x13*x6*cos(x107 - x100) - 
      3.09892740383799*x13*x6*sin(x107 - x100))*b116 + x70 =E= 0;

e58.. -(5.67697984672154*sqr(x7) - 5.67697984672154*x7*x8*cos(x101 - x102))*
      b117 + x71 =E= 0;

e59.. -(5.67697984672154*sqr(x8) - 5.67697984672154*x8*x7*cos(x102 - x101))*
      b117 + x72 =E= 0;

e60.. -(2.31496347510535*sqr(x13) - 2.31496347510535*x13*x14*cos(x107 - x108)
       - 1.13699415780633*x13*x14*sin(x107 - x108))*b118 + x73 =E= 0;

e61.. -(2.31496347510535*sqr(x14) - 2.31496347510535*x14*x13*cos(x108 - x107)
       - 1.13699415780633*x14*x13*sin(x108 - x107))*b118 + x74 =E= 0;

e62.. -(3.1759639650294*sqr(x6) - 3.1759639650294*x6*x12*cos(x100 - x106) - 
      1.52596744045097*x6*x12*sin(x100 - x106))*b119 + x75 =E= 0;

e63.. -(3.1759639650294*sqr(x12) - 3.1759639650294*x12*x6*cos(x106 - x100) - 
      1.52596744045097*x12*x6*sin(x106 - x100))*b119 + x76 =E= 0;

e64.. -(4.09407434424044*sqr(x6) - 4.09407434424044*x6*x11*cos(x100 - x105) - 
      1.95502856317726*x6*x11*sin(x100 - x105))*b120 + x77 =E= 0;

e65.. -(4.09407434424044*sqr(x11) - 4.09407434424044*x11*x6*cos(x105 - x100) - 
      1.95502856317726*x11*x6*sin(x105 - x100))*b120 + x78 =E= 0;

e66.. -(2.25197462617221*sqr(x12) - 2.25197462617221*x12*x13*cos(x106 - x107)
       - 2.48902458682192*x12*x13*sin(x106 - x107))*b121 + x79 =E= 0;

e67.. -(2.25197462617221*sqr(x13) - 2.25197462617221*x13*x12*cos(x107 - x106)
       - 2.48902458682192*x13*x12*sin(x107 - x106))*b121 + x80 =E= 0;

e68.. -(4.21038368233483*sqr(x1) - 4.23498368233483*x1*x5*cos(x95 - x99) - 
      1.02589745497019*x1*x5*sin(x95 - x99))*b122 + x81 =E= 0;

e69.. -(4.21038368233483*sqr(x5) - 4.23498368233483*x5*x1*cos(x99 - x95) - 
      1.02589745497019*x5*x1*sin(x99 - x95))*b122 + x82 =E= 0;

e70.. -(10.3653941270609*sqr(x9) - 10.3653941270609*x9*x10*cos(x103 - x104) - 
      3.90204955244743*x9*x10*sin(x103 - x104))*b123 + x83 =E= 0;

e71.. -(10.3653941270609*sqr(x10) - 10.3653941270609*x10*x9*cos(x104 - x103) - 
      3.90204955244743*x10*x9*sin(x104 - x103))*b123 + x84 =E= 0;

e72.. -(15.2366865231796*sqr(x1) - 15.2630865231796*x1*x2*cos(x95 - x96) - 
      4.99913160079803*x1*x2*sin(x95 - x96))*b124 + x85 =E= 0;

e73.. -(15.2366865231796*sqr(x2) - 15.2630865231796*x2*x1*cos(x96 - x95) - 
      4.99913160079803*x2*x1*sin(x96 - x95))*b124 + x86 =E= 0;

e74.. -(5.17662739796971*sqr(x2) - 5.19392739796971*x2*x5*cos(x96 - x99) - 
      1.7011396670944*x2*x5*sin(x96 - x99))*b125 + x87 =E= 0;

e75.. -(5.17662739796971*sqr(x5) - 5.19392739796971*x5*x2*cos(x99 - x96) - 
      1.7011396670944*x5*x2*sin(x99 - x96))*b125 + x88 =E= 0;

e76.. -(5.06241697759392*sqr(x3) - 5.06881697759392*x3*x4*cos(x97 - x98) - 
      1.98597570992556*x3*x4*sin(x97 - x98))*b126 + x89 =E= 0;

e77.. -(5.06241697759392*sqr(x4) - 5.06881697759392*x4*x3*cos(x98 - x97) - 
      1.98597570992556*x4*x3*sin(x98 - x97))*b126 + x90 =E= 0;

e78.. -(1.79797907152361*sqr(x4) - 1.79797907152361*x4*x9*cos(x98 - x103))*b127
       + x91 =E= 0;

e79.. -(1.79797907152361*sqr(x9) - 1.79797907152361*x9*x4*cos(x103 - x98))*b127
       + x92 =E= 0;

e80.. -(5.09883832587208*sqr(x2) - 5.11583832587208*x2*x4*cos(x96 - x98) - 
      1.68603315061494*x2*x4*sin(x96 - x98))*b128 + x93 =E= 0;

e81.. -(5.09883832587208*sqr(x4) - 5.11583832587208*x4*x2*cos(x98 - x96) - 
      1.68603315061494*x4*x2*sin(x98 - x96))*b128 + x94 =E= 0;

e82.. sqr(x15) + sqr(x55) =L= 9801;

e83.. sqr(x16) + sqr(x56) =L= 9801;

e84.. sqr(x17) + sqr(x57) =L= 9801;

e85.. sqr(x18) + sqr(x58) =L= 9801;

e86.. sqr(x19) + sqr(x59) =L= 9801;

e87.. sqr(x20) + sqr(x60) =L= 9801;

e88.. sqr(x21) + sqr(x61) =L= 9801;

e89.. sqr(x22) + sqr(x62) =L= 9801;

e90.. sqr(x23) + sqr(x63) =L= 9801;

e91.. sqr(x24) + sqr(x64) =L= 9801;

e92.. sqr(x25) + sqr(x65) =L= 9801;

e93.. sqr(x26) + sqr(x66) =L= 9801;

e94.. sqr(x27) + sqr(x67) =L= 9801;

e95.. sqr(x28) + sqr(x68) =L= 9801;

e96.. sqr(x29) + sqr(x69) =L= 9801;

e97.. sqr(x30) + sqr(x70) =L= 9801;

e98.. sqr(x31) + sqr(x71) =L= 9801;

e99.. sqr(x32) + sqr(x72) =L= 9801;

e100.. sqr(x33) + sqr(x73) =L= 9801;

e101.. sqr(x34) + sqr(x74) =L= 9801;

e102.. sqr(x35) + sqr(x75) =L= 9801;

e103.. sqr(x36) + sqr(x76) =L= 9801;

e104.. sqr(x37) + sqr(x77) =L= 9801;

e105.. sqr(x38) + sqr(x78) =L= 9801;

e106.. sqr(x39) + sqr(x79) =L= 9801;

e107.. sqr(x40) + sqr(x80) =L= 9801;

e108.. sqr(x41) + sqr(x81) =L= 9801;

e109.. sqr(x42) + sqr(x82) =L= 9801;

e110.. sqr(x43) + sqr(x83) =L= 9801;

e111.. sqr(x44) + sqr(x84) =L= 9801;

e112.. sqr(x45) + sqr(x85) =L= 9801;

e113.. sqr(x46) + sqr(x86) =L= 9801;

e114.. sqr(x47) + sqr(x87) =L= 9801;

e115.. sqr(x48) + sqr(x88) =L= 9801;

e116.. sqr(x49) + sqr(x89) =L= 9801;

e117.. sqr(x50) + sqr(x90) =L= 9801;

e118.. sqr(x51) + sqr(x91) =L= 9801;

e119.. sqr(x52) + sqr(x92) =L= 9801;

e120.. sqr(x53) + sqr(x93) =L= 9801;

e121.. sqr(x54) + sqr(x94) =L= 9801;

e122..    x129 =L= 3.324;

e123..    x130 =L= 1.4;

e124..    x131 =L= 1;

e125..    x132 =L= 1;

e126..    x133 =L= 1;

e127..    x129 =G= 0;

e128..    x130 =G= 0;

e129..    x131 =G= 0;

e130..    x132 =G= 0;

e131..    x133 =G= 0;

e132..    x134 =L= 0.1;

e133..    x135 =L= 0.5;

e134..    x136 =L= 0.4;

e135..    x137 =L= 0.24;

e136..    x138 =L= 0.24;

e137..    x134 =G= 0;

e138..    x135 =G= -0.4;

e139..    x136 =G= 0;

e140..    x137 =G= -0.06;

e141..    x138 =G= -0.06;

e142..    x1 =L= 1.06;

e143..    x2 =L= 1.06;

e144..    x3 =L= 1.06;

e145..    x4 =L= 1.06;

e146..    x5 =L= 1.06;

e147..    x6 =L= 1.06;

e148..    x7 =L= 1.06;

e149..    x8 =L= 1.06;

e150..    x9 =L= 1.06;

e151..    x10 =L= 1.06;

e152..    x11 =L= 1.06;

e153..    x12 =L= 1.06;

e154..    x13 =L= 1.06;

e155..    x14 =L= 1.06;

e156..    x1 =G= 0.94;

e157..    x2 =G= 0.94;

e158..    x3 =G= 0.94;

e159..    x4 =G= 0.94;

e160..    x5 =G= 0.94;

e161..    x6 =G= 0.94;

e162..    x7 =G= 0.94;

e163..    x8 =G= 0.94;

e164..    x9 =G= 0.94;

e165..    x10 =G= 0.94;

e166..    x11 =G= 0.94;

e167..    x12 =G= 0.94;

e168..    x13 =G= 0.94;

e169..    x14 =G= 0.94;

e170..    x96 - x97 =G= -0.26;

e171..  - x96 + x97 =G= -0.26;

e172..    x101 - x103 =G= -0.26;

e173..  - x101 + x103 =G= -0.26;

e174..    x104 - x105 =G= -0.26;

e175..  - x104 + x105 =G= -0.26;

e176..    x98 - x101 =G= -0.26;

e177..  - x98 + x101 =G= -0.26;

e178..    x99 - x100 =G= -0.26;

e179..  - x99 + x100 =G= -0.26;

e180..    x103 - x108 =G= -0.26;

e181..  - x103 + x108 =G= -0.26;

e182..    x98 - x99 =G= -0.26;

e183..  - x98 + x99 =G= -0.26;

e184..    x100 - x107 =G= -0.26;

e185..  - x100 + x107 =G= -0.26;

e186..    x101 - x102 =G= -0.26;

e187..  - x101 + x102 =G= -0.26;

e188..    x107 - x108 =G= -0.26;

e189..  - x107 + x108 =G= -0.26;

e190..    x100 - x106 =G= -0.26;

e191..  - x100 + x106 =G= -0.26;

e192..    x100 - x105 =G= -0.26;

e193..  - x100 + x105 =G= -0.26;

e194..    x106 - x107 =G= -0.26;

e195..  - x106 + x107 =G= -0.26;

e196..    x95 - x99 =G= -0.26;

e197..  - x95 + x99 =G= -0.26;

e198..    x103 - x104 =G= -0.26;

e199..  - x103 + x104 =G= -0.26;

e200..    x95 - x96 =G= -0.26;

e201..  - x95 + x96 =G= -0.26;

e202..    x96 - x99 =G= -0.26;

e203..  - x96 + x99 =G= -0.26;

e204..    x97 - x98 =G= -0.26;

e205..  - x97 + x98 =G= -0.26;

e206..    x98 - x103 =G= -0.26;

e207..  - x98 + x103 =G= -0.26;

e208..    x96 - x98 =G= -0.26;

e209..  - x96 + x98 =G= -0.26;

e210..    x96 - x97 =L= 0.26;

e211..  - x96 + x97 =L= 0.26;

e212..    x101 - x103 =L= 0.26;

e213..  - x101 + x103 =L= 0.26;

e214..    x104 - x105 =L= 0.26;

e215..  - x104 + x105 =L= 0.26;

e216..    x98 - x101 =L= 0.26;

e217..  - x98 + x101 =L= 0.26;

e218..    x99 - x100 =L= 0.26;

e219..  - x99 + x100 =L= 0.26;

e220..    x103 - x108 =L= 0.26;

e221..  - x103 + x108 =L= 0.26;

e222..    x98 - x99 =L= 0.26;

e223..  - x98 + x99 =L= 0.26;

e224..    x100 - x107 =L= 0.26;

e225..  - x100 + x107 =L= 0.26;

e226..    x101 - x102 =L= 0.26;

e227..  - x101 + x102 =L= 0.26;

e228..    x107 - x108 =L= 0.26;

e229..  - x107 + x108 =L= 0.26;

e230..    x100 - x106 =L= 0.26;

e231..  - x100 + x106 =L= 0.26;

e232..    x100 - x105 =L= 0.26;

e233..  - x100 + x105 =L= 0.26;

e234..    x106 - x107 =L= 0.26;

e235..  - x106 + x107 =L= 0.26;

e236..    x95 - x99 =L= 0.26;

e237..  - x95 + x99 =L= 0.26;

e238..    x103 - x104 =L= 0.26;

e239..  - x103 + x104 =L= 0.26;

e240..    x95 - x96 =L= 0.26;

e241..  - x95 + x96 =L= 0.26;

e242..    x96 - x99 =L= 0.26;

e243..  - x96 + x99 =L= 0.26;

e244..    x97 - x98 =L= 0.26;

e245..  - x97 + x98 =L= 0.26;

e246..    x98 - x103 =L= 0.26;

e247..  - x98 + x103 =L= 0.26;

e248..    x96 - x98 =L= 0.26;

e249..  - x96 + x98 =L= 0.26;

e250..    x95 =E= 0;

e251..    x41 + x45 - x129 =E= 0;

e252..    x15 + x46 + x47 + x53 - x130 =E= -0.217;

e253..    x16 + x49 - x131 =E= -0.942;

e254..    x24 + x29 + x35 + x37 - x132 =E= -0.112;

e255..    x32 - x133 =E= 0;

e256..    x81 + x85 - x134 =E= 0;

e257..    x55 + x86 + x87 + x93 - x135 =E= -0.127;

e258..    x56 + x89 - x136 =E= -0.19;

e259..    x64 + x69 + x75 + x77 - x137 =E= -0.075;

e260..    x72 - x138 =E= 0;

e261..    x21 + x27 + x50 + x51 + x54 =E= -0.478;

e262..    x23 + x28 + x42 + x48 =E= -0.076;

e263..    x17 + x22 + x31 =E= 0;

e264..    x18 + x25 + x43 + x52 =E= -0.295;

e265..    x19 + x44 =E= -0.09;

e266..    x20 + x38 =E= -0.035;

e267..    x36 + x39 =E= -0.061;

e268..    x30 + x33 + x40 =E= -0.135;

e269..    x26 + x34 =E= -0.149;

e270..    x61 + x67 + x90 + x91 + x94 =E= 0.039;

e271..    x63 + x68 + x82 + x88 =E= -0.016;

e272..    x57 + x62 + x71 =E= 0;

e273..    x58 + x65 + x83 + x92 =E= -0.166;

e274..    x59 + x84 =E= -0.058;

e275..    x60 + x78 =E= -0.018;

e276..    x76 + x79 =E= -0.016;

e277..    x70 + x73 + x80 =E= -0.058;

e278..    x66 + x74 =E= -0.05;

Model m / all /;

m.limrow=0; m.limcol=0;

$if NOT '%gams.u1%' == '' $include '%gams.u1%'

$if not set MINLP $set MINLP MINLP
Solve m using %MINLP% minimizing objvar;

Last updated: 2025-02-06 Git hash: 0ae7ca2b
Imprint / Privacy Policy / License: CC-BY 4.0