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watersym1 - point p1

Solution found by SBB with MINOS as subsolver.
Formats gdx sol
Added to library 01 May 2001
Objective Value 1130.943914
Infeasibility 2.842e-14

Variables with value 0.0 are omitted in the following.
x1                                1.678778934989970
x2                                0.635975184611314
x5                                0.954245880398712
x10                               0.010778934989974
x13                               0.456000000000000
x16                               0.194754119601288
x22                               0.050245880398712
x23                               0.252000000000000
x29                               1.572226764814800
x30                              20.092952116432201
x33                               2.402352180676260
x38                           31810.181054648001009
x41                              32.623834730150399
x44                             164.590743970988996
x50                             152.164196629273988
x51                              31.395199453302201
x57                              27.294674365588001
x58                              15.496707451854800
x59                              22.863669698448600
x60                              19.167789831464301
x61                              12.925000000000001
x62                              13.309161110323600
x63                              11.315440364241100
x64                              16.079999999999998
x67                              11.214674365587999
x68                              -7.366962246593770
x70                               4.181267087613630
x71                              -0.583292548145223
x72                              -4.431004667139470
x73                               7.366962246593770
x75                               9.938669698448550
x76                               9.554508588124900
x78                              -8.126884534123731
x79                              -3.695879866984260
x81                              -9.938669698448550
x82                              -6.242789831464290
x83                              -0.384161110323648
x84                              -2.187546341531130
x85                              -9.554508588124900
x88                              -4.181267087613630
x89                              -1.993720746082500
x90                             -11.214674365587999
x91                               0.583292548145223
x92                              -6.783669698448550
x93                               2.314754119601290
x94                               0.954245880398712
x95                              61.017346853650700
x96                             514.518719640935046
x97                               0.625172623588039
objvar                         1130.943914413320044
b99                               1.000000000000000
b100                              1.000000000000000
b103                              1.000000000000000
b108                              1.000000000000000
b111                              1.000000000000000
b114                              1.000000000000000
b120                              1.000000000000000
b121                              1.000000000000000
s1s1(131)                         1.000000000000000
s1s2(137)                         1.000000000000000
s1s5(159)                         1.000000000000000
s1s10(190)                        1.000000000000000
s1s13(214)                        1.000000000000000
s1s16(234)                        1.000000000000000
s1s22(276)                        1.000000000000000
s1s23(284)                        1.000000000000000

Last updated: 2025-02-06 Git hash: 0ae7ca2b
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